Educational Technology

Two first-grade students sit at a table with Chromeboks and wearing headphones. A girl on the left is wearing a pink shirt and a purple print sweater. The boy on the right is wearing a red white and blue sweatshirt and headphones. They are both smiling.

Data Privacy and Security Information

The district provides information for parents and guardians about their students’ data privacy and security. Please click here for more information about  Education Law 2-D and parent and student rights.

Technology Vision Statement

The Pine Bush Central School District will engage our students in authentic learning experiences that showcase technology as the essential ingredient for mastering 21st century skills. We will form collaborative partnerships with students, faculty, staff, family, and community members to meet this end as we prepare students for success in the global workforce. 

We use data to drive instruction. Our technology supports high quality teaching and learning, which are key to student success. The data and technology are integrated into the classroom.

Technology Goals

We will continue to be intentional in orchestrating a system in our technology plan that:

  • Implements curriculum and instruction that does not merely meet the standards but exceeds them
  • Emphasizes proficiency in 21st century learning skills and integrates them across the content areas
  • Provides authentic assessments
  • Offers ongoing and sustainable professional development opportunities for our staff
  • Collaborates with all stakeholders
  • Fosters a culture that nurtures each individual’s learning potential.  

Goal 1

Integrate technology as an instructional support to engage all students, regardless of their socioeconomic status and diverse abilities, in constructivist learning experiences nurturing the whole child while emphasizing 21st century skills and learning, as well as the Common Core State Standards.

Goal 2

Provide professional development opportunities for all staff members that encourage their understanding of prescribed and identified technological strategies to improve student instruction and achievement.

Goal 3

Identify critical questions we need to answer about our students to improve their achievement.

Goal 4

Ensure a collaborative home/school and community/school partnership that emphasizes continued improvement in parent, community and staff communications to actively involve all stakeholders in the education of our students.

Goal 5

Analyze our current infrastructure and tool capacity to ensure optimal use of current inventory and plan for future needs through data-driven decision-making.


Read the district’s Technology Plan here.


Smart Schools Bond Act

What is the Smart Schools Bond Act?

The Smart Schools Bond Act was passed in the 2014-15 New Your State Enacted Budget and approved by the voters in a statewide referendum held during the 2014 General Election on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. The Smart Schools Bond Act (SSBA) authorized the issuance of $2 billion of general obligation bonds to finance improved educational technology and infrastructure to improve learning and opportunity for students throughout the State. The SSBA requires that a Review Board review and approve districts’ Smart Schools Investment Plans before any funds may be made available for the program.

How much will Pine Bush Schools receive under the plan?

The district was allocated $5,050,017 under the SSBA. The state will reimburse the district for 100 percent of its expenses as identified in the Pine Bush Smart Schools Investment Plan. Phase 1 of this plan earmarks just under $1,000,000 of the allocation for Infrastructure (School Connectivity) and High Tech Security Features in alignment with the district’s Strategic Planning process and Technology Plan. The district will be implementing a Phase of SSBA each year for five years. Smart Schools bond funds remain available until a district has used its entire allocation.

Is there any local cost associated with the SSBA purchases? 

There is no local cost associated with purchases made under SSBA projects.

What is the timeline for the plan? 

Public hearings were held in May 2016 and March 2017 before the Board of Education. The board approved Phase 1 of the project in 2016 and Phase 2 of the project in 2017. 

The Board of Education approved the priorities for the SSBA Phase 3 project at its June 12, 2018 meeting.

Is there a public hearing on this plan?

Smart Schools Bond act Phase 1 Project: A public hearing was held at the May 24, 2016 Board of Education meeting

Smart Schools Bond Act Phase 2 Project: A public hearing was held at the March 28, 2017 Board of Education meeting

Smart Schools Bond Act Phase 3 Project: A public hearing was held at a summer 2018 Board of Education meeting.


Smart Schools Bond Act Phase 4 Project: A public hearing was held at the board of education meeting on Dec. 14, 2021.

What is the scope of the project? 

Phase 1 includes the following: 

  • Wiring closet and cabling work ($202,758)
  • New campus fiber to support network upgrade for WiFi and video surveillance ($6,000)
  • Video surveillance upgrades – cameras and servers ($441,454)
  • Lockdown/lockout notification system for all schools ($289,320)
  • Repeater to improve coverage of emergency radios ($60,000)
  • TOTAL: $999,532

Phase 2 includes the following: 

  • Replacement of fiber optic cable throughout district ($256,595)
  • Replacement of intrusion detection systems throughout district ($230,379)
  • Addition of doors to access control system ($219,282)
  • Replacement of high school PA system ($170,589)
  • Replacement of analog phones in elementary and middle schools ($97,023)
  • TOTAL: $973,868

Phase 3 includes the following:

  • Telephone System Upgrade with Security Features ($158,593)
  • Network Cabling Improvements ($154,530)
  • Video Surveillance Improvements ($132,586)
  • Mass Notification ($594,325)
  • TOTAL:  $1,040,034

Phase 4 includes the following:

  • Lockdown/Notification Improvements ($1,365,281)
  • Video Surveillance Improvements ($167,204)
  • Network and Cabling Improvements (546,304)
  • Nonpublic School Loan of Equipment ($17,714)
  • TOTAL ($2,096,503)

If you wish to comment on this plan, please contact:

John Hicks

Director of Technology

845-744-2031 ext. 4040

View the school’s full Smart Schools Investment Plan Part I at the New York State Education Department website. 

Click here for the Smart Schools Investment Plan Part II, Smart Schools Investment Plan Part III  and Smart Schools Investment Plan Part IV.

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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