Circleville Middle School Family Edition Handbook 2023-2024

Circleville Middle School

100% for our students, 100% of the time

Family Edition


August 2023

Dear CVMS Families,

I recently came across this powerful quote from British author and poet, Thomas Hood: “When was ever honey made with one bee in a hive?”

It’s a quote that resonated with me as I spent a few weeks this summer in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.  As I observed the landscape, it seemed that everywhere I looked there were beekeepers tending their honeybee hives.  I was fascinated as my relationship with bees has always been one of fear, but I was eager to understand what the “buzz” with beekeeping was all about.  I soon found myself talking to a few local beekeepers, researching where honey bees came from, how they work, how vital they are to our food supply, and of course, sampling some of the best bee “vomit” (otherwise known as honey) that I have ever tasted.  I quickly learned how much in common we have with these astonishing insects and what they can teach humanity. 

Our proverbial “hive” at CVMS fosters healthy, sustainable learning environments for our students. We give them a solid foundation of respect and compassion. We build up a frame of knowledge and skills that will provide the strength they need to achieve their goals. We nurture their creativity and passions so that they are confident and empowered to one day take flight and pursue their dreams. We do this together with all of you- our CVMS families.

Similar to honey bees, we engage in shared decision-making, successfully socialize, maintain strong lines of communication, take care of each other, and are selfless.  We consistently need your support as we are constantly tending to our hive, individually and collectively.  Each year presents its set of unique challenges, and with them opportunities to strengthen, repair, and remodel our colony. We are excited about what we have planned for the 2023-2024 school year and have no doubt that we will create “quite the buzz” as we rely on our foundation of giving 100 percent to our students, 100 percent of the time both in and out of our CVMS hive.

We have all been “busy bees” buzzing with excitement for the arrival of our students to CVMS on Tuesday, September 5th, 2023.  In an effort to make our first few days progress smoothly, prior to the first day of school you should have received the following information from First Student Bus Company via your child’s school email address:  

  • Information regarding your child’s bus route and pick up/drop off times. Please make sure that when they board the bus they adhere to all safety protocols communicated from their bus driver.

Please review this booklet, check your child’s school email address, and access our Parent Portal in School Tool which will open on Friday, August 25, 2023, to view your child’s bus information, advisory class, school schedule, etc.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions at 744-2031, extension 5600. In addition, please feel free to contact me to share your concerns, ask questions, or just to say, “hello.” Your involvement in our community of learners is most assuredly welcomed and valued. 

We look forward to continuing to build a sweeter future for our students with all of you.


Lisa A. Hankinson


The Pine Bush Central School District is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our students as we foster positive learning environments throughout our school community. Please review the following important information together with your CVMS student(s):



  • All Pine Bush CSD middle school students will be assigned a school-issued Chromebook at the beginning of the school year. Families must fill out all required forms associated with this process that will be emailed to their child’s school email address.
  • Students will be responsible for charging the device each day and bringing the Chromebook and charger to and from school for their use in all scheduled classes. Chromebooks will be used in all courses and should be treated as a mandatory school supply for each period/block each day. Students are expected to follow the Pine Bush CSD Computer Network and Internet Acceptable Use Agreement.
  • We encourage our families to purchase the insurance policy.
  •  Please visit our website for more information on this topic.

Students should not use Chromebooks to access unauthorized websites, gaming sites, social media apps etc. Students are not to use their Pine Bush email accounts or other shared documents to socialize during or after the school day. Students may not download any programs or use any external devices such as flash drives, hard drives or other computer hardware. Students may not use their Chromebooks to charge personal devices.

All student accounts are regularly monitored by teachers and administrators for acceptable use. Students who do not follow the PBCSD acceptable use policy may face consequences such as the loss of Chromebook privileges. 


Learning Guidelines


  • Students will follow his or her daily schedule beginning with an Advisory time followed by attending their nine-period day. 
  • All classrooms may be utilized for instructional areas.
  • The school day will be 7:30 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
  • Students may bring a backpack and or string bag to house his or her belongings, such as a chromebook, charger, and earbuds as well as other supplies requested by their academy teachers; however, backpacks and or string bags will not be permitted in the classrooms and must be stored in their locker.
  • All students will be assigned a hall locker and lock on the first day of school during advisory class. Students are responsible for keeping all personal belongings secured in their lockers as soon as they arrive at school each morning. Lockers must be locked by students and not left with the lock hanging open. Assigned lock and locker are on loan to you. Should students lose their lock, a school issued lock must be purchased to replace the one that was given. Locks from home are not permitted. Each academy will establish locker access times throughout the school day.  Circleville Middle School does not assume liability if personal belongings are damaged, lost or stolen.




  • All students attending CVMS will adhere to our bell schedule and follow his or her student schedule each day.
  • Each academy will establish time each day for our students and staff members to build a classroom community and discuss social/emotional wellness. This will occur through our participation in the Positivity Project.
  • All classrooms will use the Google Classroom platform.
  • Accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids, programming and related services will be met for students with IEPs and Section 504 Plans.
  • District will prioritize curriculum according to all required learning standards.

Extra Help with Academics

There will be times when students feel the need for additional help from one of their teachers. Please have your child check with their teachers for when they can receive extra support from the teacher and plan accordingly. Student tutors are sometimes available to help other students in particular subjects. In addition, students have access to 24/7 live, online tutoring through PAPER for all subjects. Students should speak to their subject teacher for access to PAPER. If students need extra help in math and/or reading, they should speak to their counselor about signing up for an AirTutor. More detailed information about these two, free online tutoring services provided by our school district may be obtained by contacting any of your child’s teachers, school counselor or our main office.


Cell Phones 

Cell phones are not allowed to be used at Circleville Middle School.  They are disruptive to classes and shift student focus away from academics.  Circleville Middle School does not assume liability if such devices are damaged, lost or stolen.  If your child brings a cell phone to school, he/she assumes such risk and is responsible for its security at all times. This also applies to all wearable technology devices such as Apple watches. Cell phones are to remain out of sight throughout the entire school day. Cell phones should not be kept on student’s desks, chairs or on the classroom floor. Cell phones should not be visible or in use during passing time in the hallway. Cell phone use is not permitted during lunch or recess time. Students may not use their phones and wearable technology to make personal phone calls, text or take pictures/videos at any time during the school day. If a student needs to contact a family member, they should notify a teacher and if given permission, should come to the main office to use the office phone. Students who do not adhere to the CVMS cell phone practices will face the following consequences: 

  • First offense – WARNING
  • Second offense – Cell phone is confiscated, kept in the main office and will be returned to the student at the end of the school day.
  • Third offense – Cell phone is confiscated and will only be returned to a parent/guardian.


Dress Code

Student dress is very important to create and maintain a safe environment conducive to learning. We want our students to be successful. One way to be successful is to “dress for success.” CVMS students dress for success by adhering to our dress code as outlined in the Pine Bush Central School District Code of Conduct as well as in our student handbook.

CVMS students must adhere to the following at all times:

  • Students must be covered from armpit to mid thigh with no undergarments or bare skin visible. 
  • Halter and/or tube tops, tank tops, spaghetti straps or straps less than three fingers width, wide openings under the arms, crop tops, half shirts, or anything that shows a bare midriff or bare back are unacceptable for school.
  • Shorts, skirts, jeans or any other leg coverings with holes or tears that show bare skin above mid thigh are unacceptable for school.
  • Clothing should not include items that: are vulgar, obscene, or libelous, or denigrate others on account of race, color, weight, religion, religious practice, creed, national origin, ethnic group, gender identity and expression, sex, sexual orientation or disability, promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or illegal drugs and/or encourage other illegal or violent activities.
  • Students may wear winter jackets, coats, and other heavy garments to school, but are not permitted to wear these items in classes. They must be stored in lockers until dismissal.
  • Wearing of hoods is not permitted inside CVMS.
  • Head gear such as hats, bonnets, silk wraps, bandanas, etc. may be worn as long as ears are visible at all times.
  • Safe and appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Oversized, slipper type shoes, beach style flip flops or any other footwear that poses a safety risk while students are traveling throughout the day with us are not permitted.

Our expectation is that students follow all of the above unless for medical or religious reasons.

We strongly suggest students have an extra set of clothes in their locker to ensure compliance.

In the event of non-compliance, students must immediately change inappropriate dress by using their own personal clothing stored in lockers, or they can obtain appropriate clothing available in our nurse’s office. 

  • First offense – Warning 
  • Second offense – Parent contact
  • Third offense – Meet with a building administrator and referral with consequence


Meal Service

Students are provided meal services for breakfast and lunch. Breakfast should be eaten only during Academic Advisory. Lunch should be eaten in the cafeteria. Eating during class time is not permitted. Food deliveries during the school day are not permitted. We prefer your child bring in breakfast and lunch items when they arrive at school.

Breakfast – When the students arrive at school, they will be released from our buses and enter our building following all safety protocols outlined in our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures. 

  • Students in Grade 6 will enter from our cafeteria ramp and will then be able to obtain a “grab and go” breakfast from the serving line and report directly to the auditorium for a brief orientation and introduction of their sixth grade teachers.  Advisory teachers will then gather their students and escort them to their advisory classrooms. 
  • Students in Grades 7 and 8 will enter from our main entrance and will report directly to the mobile cart in the cafeteria to obtain a “grab and go” breakfast, if they so choose, before going to their lockers and advisory classrooms. 
  • Students in all grades who are dropped off will enter from our cafeteria ramp.  Students in all grades can then obtain a “grab and go” breakfast from our serving line, if they so choose, before going to their lockers and advisory classrooms.  Students in Grade 6 will report to the auditorium only on the first day of school.

Lunch – Students will report to the cafeteria at the start of their assigned lunch period.

  1. 6th grade – period 5
  2. 7th grade – period 6
  3. 8th grade – period 7
  • Students will enter and exit the serving line area through the designated doors to collect their lunch before returning to their seats to eat.
  • When all students are finished eating, staff members will lead students outside for recess through the ramp door and proceed to the blacktop area. Students will re-enter the building through the front doors of the CVMS lobby at the end of their lunch period to move to their next class.



Students will go outside for recess when the weather permits. If inclement weather, students will remain indoors in the cafeteria for the entire lunch period.


School Visitors

  • All visitors will follow district protocols and provide photo documentation upon entering our building for any reason.
  • Visitors are not permitted to have lunch with children or bring in food from outside establishments to deliver to their child.


2023 – 2024 CVMS Student Arrival, Drop-Off, Dismissal and Pick-Up Procedures


Early Drop Off

Early drop off takes place beginning at 6:40 a.m. and is supervised in our cafeteria. Please follow the parent drop-off procedure below during these times.

Bus Arrival

  • Students will be released from buses and enter the building at 7:26 a.m.
  • Students riding the bus in the morning will enter the building as follows:
  • 6th grade students will enter the building through the cafeteria ramp door.
  • 7th and 8th grade students will enter the building through the front doors at the main entrance.

Parent Drop Off

  • All parents driving students to school must enter our campus from the Goshen Tpke./ Renton Road entrance. *No parents may enter our campus from Rte 302. 
  • Parents must drop students in the main lot near the crosswalk closest to the CVMS cafeteria ramp. 
  • Parents will not be allowed to enter the bus area or emergency lane area.
  • Parents must stay in their vehicles and will not be able to walk with their students to enter the building. 
  • All students who are dropped off by a parent will enter the building through the cafeteria ramp door.
  • Parents may exit the campus at the Rte. 302 or Renton Road exit areas.


At dismissal, all students who are taking a bus will exit the building through the main lobby doors. Students will be directed to quickly locate and board their bus. Any student being picked up by a family member will exit through the cafeteria ramp door, walk across the crosswalk and meet their ride in the parking lot.

Parent Pick Up

  • All parents picking up students at dismissal time must enter our campus from the Goshen Tpke./ Renton Road entrance. *No parents may enter our campus from Rte 302.
  • Parents may line up in their vehicles along the sidewalk or park in a designated parking spot. 
  • All parents will follow the directions of the CVMS Security Aide and the Town of Wallkill School Resource Officer that will be stationed in the parking lot at dismissal time.
  • Parents may exit the campus at the Rte. 302 or Renton Road exit areas.
  • Parents picking up a student during the school day must report to the front doors at the CVMS lobby. After speaking with the greeter and showing proper ID, students will be dismissed from the front doors. Parents will not be permitted to enter the building.


Field Trips and Assemblies

  • Field trips may take place throughout the school year.  Individual academies will be sharing information as these activities occur.
  • Assemblies will take place throughout the year beginning with our “Back to School” kickoff presentations to review our expectations for student success at CVMS. Other assemblies may include:  Town Hall meetings, guest speakers, quarterly awards/recognition, etc.


CVMS Hallway Movement

As we welcome students back into our building at the start of the school year, we will be following the traditional hallway movement (two-way) in all hallways and stairways. 

All students will enter the building as follows:

  • 6th grade students and any students being dropped off by parents/guardians will enter the building through the cafeteria ramp door.
  • 7th and 8th grade students riding the bus will enter the building through the front doors at the main entrance.
  • Students will be dismissed from the buses each morning and directed to their assigned entrance area to reduce large groupings and congestion as students enter the building. 
  • At the end of each period, students will exit classrooms when they are directed to do so by the classroom teachers. Students will quickly walk through the hall in the appropriate direction, briefly stop at their own locker if it is an assigned locker usage time from his or her academy, and then report to their next class without stopping or congregating in groups. 
  • During lunch periods, students will enter the cafeteria through the main doors near room 44 and quickly take a seat at the large lunch tables.
  • Students will enter the gymnasium through their assigned locker room doors. Students will follow PE teacher directions for exiting the gymnasium at the end of PE class. 


Bell Schedule

Teachers sign in at 7:25 a.m.

Period                                                      Time

  • Students enter building                  7:26 A.M.
  • Academic Advisory Period            7:30 – 7:39 a.m.
  • 1st                                                               7:42 – 8:23 a.m.
  • 2nd                                                            8:26 – 9:07 a.m.
  • 3rd                                                             9:10 – 9:51 a.m.
  • 4th                                                            9:54 – 10:35 a.m.
  • 5th (6th Grade Lunch)                    10:38 – 11:19 a.m.
  • 6th (7th Grade Lunch)                     11:22 a.m. – 12:03 p.m.
  • 7th (8th Grade Lunch)                     12:06 – 12:47 p.m.
  • 8th                                                             12:50 – 1:31 p.m.
  • 9th                                                             1:34 – 2:15 p.m.
  • Dismissal                                            2:15 p.m.


Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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