Nov. 24, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Minutes Regular Board Meeting–  November 24, 2020

Location: Circleville Middle School

Consideration of Executive Session –Particular Contract              6:30 PM    

Regular Session              7:00 PM           

Meeting televised Live Streamed remotely with attendance via Google Meet Hangouts as well as in person attendance. Video and Minutes Posted to Website with Closed Caption.


Members Present

  • Gretchen Meier, President 
  • Cara Robertson, Vice President  (via Google meet) 
  • Kristin Graessle  (via Google meet)
  • Dori Johnson  (via Google meet) 
  • Kristi Kheiralla (via Google meet)
  • Ross Tompkins 


Members Absent

  • Matthew Watkins


Others Present

  • Donna Geidel, Acting Superintendent of Schools
  • Amy Brockner, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction                                             
  • Linda Smith, District Communications Representative (via Google Meet)
  • John Hicks, Director of Educational Technology
  • Deborah June, District Clerk
  • Approximately 18 residents/students/staff members (in person and virtual)


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Gretchen Meier with the following motion offered:

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Graessle, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting at approximately 6:29 PM

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Adjourn to Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Graessle, that the Board of Education adjourn regular session to  executive session for a discussion regarding a particular contract, noting the time at approx. 6:30 PM.

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Return to Regular Session

MOVED by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education adjourn executive session to regular session at approximately 6:47 PM.

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


BOE Resumes Regular/Public Session

MOVED by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Graessle, that the Board of Education resume the regular meeting/public session at approximately 7:00 PM.

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


President Gretchen Meier welcomed all to the regular meeting, and requested all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, noting the time at approx. 7:00 PM.


Approval of Minutes

Moved by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the November 10, 2020 regular board meeting as submitted by the District Clerk.

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools

Consent Agenda

Moved by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the following Consent Agenda as submitted by the Acting Superintendent of Schools and recognize tenure recipients included as part of this agenda:



  • Alexis Soto, resignation from her position as a 6.0 hours/day Teaching Assistant, effective at the close of business on November 20, 2020.



  • Rebecca Watson, resignation from her position as a 3.5 hours/day School Monitor, effective at the close of business December 4, 2020.



Leave of Absence


  • Michelle Robinson, request for a paid military leave of absence for effective January 4, 2021 through February 3, 2021 (as per section 242) and an unpaid leave of absence effective February 4, 2021 through June 30, 2021 from her position as a 1.0 FTE  Teacher- Secondary.



  • Donna Davis, extension of an unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 3.5 hours/day School Monitor effective January 4, 2021 through June 30, 2021. 



Non-Instructional – Rescind       

Board approval to rescind the following School Security Aide positions previously reinstated or increase in hours for the following staff (based on their seniority) effective on December 1, 2020 or as noted:


Part Time School Security Aide increase in hours               Rescind               

  • Linda Shannon – Rescind increase in hours from 7.0 hours/day to 8.0 hours/day
  • Raymond Ramos – Rescind increase in hours from 7.0 hours/day to 8.0 hours/day
  • Walter Lapinski – Rescind increase in hours from 7.5 hours/day to 8.0 hours/day
  • Anthony Presto – Rescind increase in hours from 7.0 hours/day to 8.0 hours/day
  • Melissa Ranta – Rescind increase in hours from 7.0 hours/day to 7.5 hours/day


*Part Time School Security Aide Rescind Reinstatement               

  • Stephen Kirk – Rescind reinstatement to 3.0 hours/day – effective December 1, 2020


Non-Instructional – Rescind

Board approval to rescind the the following School Monitor positions previously reinstated or increase in hours for the following staff (based on their seniority) effective on November 30, 2020 :

  • Dorota Dziadosz – Rescind increase from 3.5 hours/day to 6.5 hours/day
  • Mary Meyle – Rescind increase from 3.5 hours/day to 6.5 hours/day
  • Sonia Wagner-Babcock – Rescind increase in hours from 3.5 to 6.5 hours/day
  • Russhell Gillespie – Rescind increase in hours from 3.5 to 6.5 hours/day
  • Gary Manheim – Rescind increase in hours from 3.5 to 6.5 hours/day
  • Jamie Hadden – Rescind reinstatement to 3.5 hours/day
  • Cindy Rivera – Rescind reinstatement to 3.5 hours/day
  • Ann Gaynor – Rescind reinstatement to 3.5 hours/day
  • Madai Ramjeet – Rescind reinstatement to 3.5 hours/day



Instructional – Rescind

Board approval to rescind the reinstatement of the following staff members previously approved for reinstatement to Teaching Assistant positions based on seniority, effective November 30, 2020 or as indicated*:

  • Denise Kulak – Rescind reinstatement to 6.5 hours/day
  • Angelina Vita – Rescind reinstatement to 6.5 hours/day
  • Valerie Turcotte – Rescind reinstatement to 6.5 hours/day
  • Nicole Horne – Rescind reinstatement to 6.5 hours/day (effective November 25, 2020*)
  • Debra Finn – Rescind reinstatement to 6.5 hours/day
  • Isabel Mejia – Rescind reinstatement to 6.0 hours/day
  • Bernadette Tymczyszyn – Rescind reinstatement 6.5 hours/day
  • Linda Westerfield – Rescind reinstatement 6.0 hours/day




Continuing Education

Board approval of the following positions for instructors, assistants, counselors or lifeguards for continuing education courses for the 2020/2021 school year. All classes and salaries are contingent upon enrollment.

INSTRUCTOR NAME                            CLASS/POSITION                                  PAY  

  • Brian Lynn                                                     Pre-licensing Instructor              $250/class
  • Brian Lynn                                                     Driver Education                                $90/student


Per Diem Substitutes

Board approval for the appointment of the following individuals as per diem substitutes effective November 25, 2020 (or as indicated) at board approved per diem substitute rates:

  • Emma Caccioppoli
  • Nicole Raabe, effective 11/16/2020
  • Linda Westerfield, effective 11/16/2020


Tenure Appointments

Board Recognition of Tenure Recipients

The tenure recipients for that evening will be recognized by the Acting Superintendent and Board of Education, in person and virtually. The Board of Education will approve appointments to tenure as part of the consent agenda, for the following instructional staff members within the tenure area with the effective dates noted.

NAME                                     TENURE                                                                 Effective Date

  • Patrick Reiser      Industrial Arts/ Technology Education   November 28, 2020
  • Allison White               Science                                                                 November 28, 2020
  • Laura Haldeman                    ESOL                                                             December 4, 2020
  • Patrice Butler                         Art                                                                December 12, 2020
  • Alisa Balestrino                     Special Education                           January 30, 2021

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


CSE and CPSE Placement Recommendation                                       

Moved by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education approve all IEPs of the Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education as submitted by the CSE and CPSE Chairperson and reviewed by Trustee Tompkins.

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  



Acknowledge and Acceptance of MOA with the School Related Professional Association (PBSRPA)

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the following resolution:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education (“Board”) of the Pine Bush Central School District (“District”) does hereby acknowledge and accept the Memorandum of Agreement (associated with the creation of a new title) the District and the School Related Professionals Association (“PBSRPA” ) dated September 30, 2020,  as attached hereto; and

                BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board acknowledges that the Acting Superintendent is appropriate to execute said agreement Between the District and the PBSRPA pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement on file with the District Clerk.

Date: November 24, 2020

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  

Roll Call:

  • C. Robertson          Yes         
  • K. Kheiralla            Yes
  • K. Graessle             Yes         
  • R. Tompkins           Yes
  • D. Johnson             Yes         
  • G. Meier                 Yes


Appointment of Impartial Hearing Officer (IHO)

Moved by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education officially approve the appointment of Carl Wanderman of Montebello, NY, as an Impartial Hearing Officer, pertaining a parent request for Due Process, note: Trustee Ross Tompkins initially approved the appointment of the IHO, as he is the board designee for the appointment of Impartial Hearing Officers.

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  

 (Noted by Bd. Pres. that approval of Impartial Hearing Officer was inadvertently taken out of order on the agenda).


Public Participation 

The first public participation segment was open at approx. 7:11 p.m. requesting no personal references.  The following questions/comments/concerns were raised:

  • Resident/parent offered denigrating comments regarding the Acting Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent for Instruction. Board members offered comments of praise and support of both administrators.


Appointment of Special Counsel

Moved by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education adopt the following resolution to appoint special counsel:

RESOLVED, that the Pine Bush Board of Education approve the appointment of McGivney, Kluger, Clark & Intoccia, PC as special counsel, according to the terms and conditions set forth in their proposal, dated November 24, 2020 and further authorize the Acting Superintendent of Schools to sign the retainer.

Date: November 24, 2020

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Designation / Disposition of Library Books

Moved by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education designate and approve Library books as submitted at the request of Robin Renehan, CVMS Library Media Specialist and submitted by Lisa Hankinson, Principal, as outdated and/or in poor condition beyond repair, therefore, unusable in accordance with Policy #5250 SUBJECT: Disposition of Surplus Property, and authorizes the disposition of the books as submitted under the direction of Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business.

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Approval of New Policy 3421 for First Reading

Moved by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education approve new Policy 3421, Title IX and Sex Discrimination, for first reading.

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Acknowledge Receipt and Acceptance of Donation

Moved by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt And acceptance of the following donation:

Donation on behalf of Cara and Jim Robertson of a Chickering Piano #217533, acknowledged by Robin Evans, Co-Chairperson for Music for placement at Crispell MS.

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  

(C. Robertson applauded our administrators for all they do, particularly during the Pandemic).


Upcoming Board Meetings, Events / Old, New Business / Updates

Upcoming board meetings and events announced Tuesday evening:

The start time for the regular sessions of our board meetings – 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.

Regular Board Meetings:

  • Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 7:00 PM at Pine Bush High School
  • Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 7:00 PM at Pine Bush High School
  • Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 7:00 PM at Circleville Middle


District Meetings/Events:

  • Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences, Wednesday, November 25, 2020, (1/2 day of school for students and staff)



  • Wed, November 25, 2020, ½ day students and staff, Secondary dismissal 10:30 AM, Elem. 11:30 AM

Thanksgiving Day / Recess – School Closed

  • Thursday, November 26, 2020 and Friday, November 27, 2020   
  • Wed, December 2, 2020, 7:00 PM, OCSBA Meeting to be held virtually.


Community Member Needed for Audit Committee

The Pine Bush Central School District is currently looking for a volunteer within our school community to fill an opening as a member on our district Audit Committee.

This is a board committee consisting of three board members and four community members.

Anyone interested in filling the open position as a member of the Audit Committee is asked to submit a letter of interest, highlighting their qualifications, no later than Friday, December 18, 2020 to:

Deborah June, District Clerk
Pine Bush Central School District
PO Box 700
Pine Bush, New York 12566

Or email

(Note: The Audit Committee Charter is posted on the district website and provides more information).



Kristi Kheiralla and Kristin Graessle participated in the Annual  NYSSBA  Convention. Kristi Kheiralla is the district delegate and attempted to provide an update to the board, however, due to audio difficulty she will provide an update at a later time.


Business & Finance

Claim Auditor’s Reports

Moved by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the following Claims Auditor’s Reports as submitted:

Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0028 dated 10/30/2020 check run authorizing payments in the amount of $ 231,109.27

  • Cafeteria Fund (5 checks 005437-005441)        $     9,150.10
  • Crispell SAF (1 check 002348)    $      540.00                                         
  • General Fund (60 checks 065498-065557)   $   221,274.17                         
  • District Activity AC (1 check 005679)    $   145.00

                      Total        $   231,109.27


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0029 dated 11/6/2020 check run authorizing payments in the amount of $ 1,017,696.28

  • Cafeteria Fund (5 checks 005442-005446)   $     5,331.97
  • Trust & Agency Acct. (0 checks)     $    64,263.85
  • Federal Fund Acct. (3 checks 002555-002557)     $   12,496.00
  • Capital Fund (6 checks 001843-001848) $    644,970.37
  • General Fund (77 checks 065559-065635)   $    290,094.09
  • District Activity AC (1 check 005680)    $  540.00

            Total                 $         1,017,696.28


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0030 dated 11/10/2020 payroll authorizing payments in the amount of $ 861,051.95                                                                            

  • Trust & Agency Acct. (6 checks 004241-004246)       $        861,051.95

          Total       $   861,051.95


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0031 dated 11/13/2020 check run authorizing payments in the amount of $ 810,456.61

  • Cafeteria Fund (4 checks 005447-005450)   $    16,452.05         
  • General Fund (40 checks 065636-065675)    $   792,275.18
  • District Activity AC (2 checks 005681-005682)   $  1,729.38

          Total         $     810,456.61

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Health & Welfare Services Contract

Moved by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education approve the Health &Welfare Services Contract for the 2019-2020 school year with the Valley Central School District at a per student cost of $ 1,287.19. The contract covers 30 students who are Pine Bush residents attending a non-public school within the Valley Central School District for a total contract cost of $38,615.70 (30 students have been verified.)

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Authorization / Withdrawal from Tax Certiorari Reserve Fund

Moved by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Graessle, that the Board of Education authorize a withdrawal from the Pine Bush Central School District Tax Certiorari Reserve Fund in order to resolve the Stipulation and Order Settlement received for the following property. The settlement is for the school tax years listed below and is based on the lowering of the property assessment for each year.

Town of Crawford

Name   School Year       S-B-L    Old Assessment     New Assessment   Refund Amt

269 Shawanga Valley LLC  2020-2021    22-1-72.1     $439,900  $385,000  $3,378.99

91 Bridle Path Ln         2019-2020    22-1-72.1     $439,900 $385,000  $3,329.55

Mahwah, NJ 07430

                  Total Refund     $6,708.54

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Annual Approval of Audit Committee Charter

Moved by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education approve the annual review of the Audit Committee Charter, per recommendation by the Audit Committee, per their annual review on (October 5, 2020) noting there are no changes.

YES –6            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Public Participation 

The second public participation segment was open at approx.7:34 p.m. requesting no personal references.  There were no questions/comments/concerns raised.


Consideration of Executive Session

Hearing no matters for executive session, President Meier asked for a motion to adjourn.



Moved by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education adjourn the regular meeting noting the time at approximately 7:35 p.m.

YES – 6                  NO – 0                  MOTION CARRIED


Deborah A June (electronically signed/daj)

 Deborah A. June, District Clerk,  Pine Bush CSD

Note: BOARD MEETINGS are video live recorded and can be viewed at                     

(Disclosure: Minutes will be printed on numbered minute paper and placed in the district minute books).

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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