Feb. 11, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Pine Bush Board of Education –Tuesday, February 11, 2020 


Members Present:

  • Gretchen Meier, President
  • Kristi Kheiralla
  • Dori Johnson    
  • Ross Tompkins                                                                 
  • Matthew Watkins


Members Absent:

  • Kristin Graessle
  • Cara Robertson, Vice President


Others Present:

  • Tim Mains, Superintendent of Schools 
  • Donna Geidel, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction              
  • Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business                                              
  • Deborah June, District Clerk
  • Approximately 19 residents/students/staff members


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Gretchen Meier with the following motion offered:

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting at approximately 6:15 PM

YES – 5           NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Consideration of Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session at approximately 6:15 PM regarding Board Protocols and Particular Personnel Matter.

YES – 5           NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Adjourn Executive Session/Return to Public Session

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Watkins,  that the Board of Education adjourn from executive session and return to public session at approximately 7:02 PM.

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Public Session Resumes / Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

President Gretchen Meier welcomed those in attendance, resuming public session of the regular meeting, and requested all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, noting the time at approx. 7:06 PM.


Board of Education Added Item to Agenda

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Watkins, that they amend the agenda to add the following item for board approval:

Approval of Stipulation of Settlement.

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Approval of Minutes

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the January 28, 2020 regular board meeting as submitted by the District Clerk.

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Pine Bush Central School District does hereby approve the Stipulation of Settlement dated February 10, 2020, with employee number 2112020, a copy of which is available at the District Clerk’s Office; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to execute all documents to effectuate said Agreement.

Date: February 11, 2020

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED

Roll Call

K. Kheiralla          Yes         R. Tompkins      Yes

D. Johnson          Yes         G. Meier            Yes

M. Watkins         Yes


Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools

Consent Agenda

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education approve the following Consent Agenda as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools:

The consent agenda Tuesday evening included the appointment of the following new personnel:

  • Emily Byrne – Teacher
  • Carissa Woulfe – Teacher
  • Jean Gasca – Teaching Assistant
  • Brittany Bulson – School Monitor
  • Diane Higgins – Teaching Assistant




  • Laurie Bush, resignation for the purpose of retirement, from her position as a 1.00 FTE School Psychologist, effective at the close of business on March 28, 2020.
  • Safah Nofal, resignation from her position as a 6.5 hours/day Teaching Assistant, effective at the close of business on February 21, 2020.




  • Emily Byrne, who holds an Initial certificate in Childhood Education Grade 1-6 and Early Childhood Education Birth-2, be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher- Elementary in the tenure area of Elementary for a four year probationary period commencing February 10, 2020 and ending February 9, 2024.  Salary level MA, Step 1 of the salary schedule (pro-rated). Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Emily Byrne must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Carissa Woulfe, who holds an Initial certificate in Students with Disabilities 1-6, be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher-Special Education in the tenure area of Special Education (General) for a four year probationary period commencing February 24, 2020 and ending February 23, 2024.  Salary Level MA, Step 1 of the salary schedule (pro-rated). Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Carissa Woulfe must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Jean Gasca, who holds a Teaching Assistant Level I certificate, be appointed on probation as a part-time, non-tenure bearing, 4.0 Hour/Day Teaching Assistant, effective  February 19, 2020, salary as per contract (pro-rated).   
  • Diane Higgins, who holds a Teaching Assistant Level I certificate, be appointed on probation as a part-time, non-tenure bearing, 6.5 Hour/Day Teaching Assistant, effective February 12, 2020, salary as per contract (pro-rated).  



  • Brittany Bulson, probationary appointment to a 5.0 hours/day position of School Monitor, effective February 12, 2020, salary as per contract (pro-rated).


Bilingual Translator

Board approval for the appointment of the following individual as a substitute Bilingual Translator effective February 12, 2020 at a salary of $25/per hour: 

  •  Rosa Hoffman*

*Such appointment is conditioned upon the District’s receipt of clearance for employment from the N.Y. State

Education Department relating to the fingerprinting and criminal history record check of the prospective school employees. The emergency conditional segments of the appointments shall commence as of February 12, 2020 and shall not exceed twenty (20) business days.


Per Diem Substitutes

Board approval for the appointment of the following individuals as per diem substitutes effective February 12, 2020 (or as noted) at board approved per diem substitute rates:

  • Eric Cooper
  • Dylan Eller, effective 1/21/2020
  • Brenda Pabon
  • Nina Reagan
  • Michele Rivera
  • Mari-Ann Smith
  • Donna Whalen

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


CSE and CPSE Placement Recommendation                                       

MOVED by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve all IEPs of the Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education as submitted by the CSE and CPSE Chairperson (review scheduled with Trustee Johnson, was not completed).

YES – 4     NO – 0   Abstain – 1   D.Johnson   MOTION CARRIED


Presentation: Update/District Communications Plan

Linda Smith, Pine Bush CSD Communications Coordinator, provided an update to her recent Communication Plan specifically addressing consideration by the Board of Education of a District Facebook Page. At the conclusion of her review and brief conversation amongst the board, a motion was offered for approval.

Board of Education Approves Launching a District Facebook Page

MOVED by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education approve moving forward with a District Facebook Page, potentially launching for the 2020-2021 school year, with a target date of August 2020.

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Presentation: Census 2020

Superintendent Tim Mains provided a PowerPoint presentation entitled Census 2020.  Mr. Mains spoke of the Importance of the Census and how it impacts school districts, particularly in relation to the determination of federal funds.  Some of the highlights of the presentation included the following:

Census 2020:

  • Once every 10 years since 1790
  • Counts every resident of the United States
  • Determines how federal $ are distributed
  • Overall Population
  • Poverty Rate

Federal Funds:

Since federal education funding is largely based on census data, it is important to have an accurate count in order to ensure adequate levels of aid.

  • Title I – economically disadvantaged
  • IDEA – Special Education
  • School lunch/breakfast

In 2019:  $2.6 billion to New York State

  • Title I – $1.2 billion
  • IDEA – $860 million
  • School lunch – $783 million* (*2018 figure)

Congressional Seats:

  • Congress can allocate additional revenue
  • NY lost 2 seats after 2010 Census
  • Undercount of 0.6% could lose two more seats


Risks for Undercount:

  • Undocumented families may be fearful
  • Effort to complete forms on-line
  • Children often overlooked
  • The Annie E. Casey Foundation estimated that in 2010, the undercount for children 0-17 years of age was 1.267 million
  • They described 2010 as the highest undercount since 1950
  • They warn that this year’s undercount could exceed 1.5 million children

Additional chart was provided illustrating specific numbers regarding undercounts, both estimated and actual percent of net undercount from 2010.

What Can We Do?

  • Partner with PTAs and PTOs to promote the Census
  • Partner with local govt. on “complete count committees”
  • Encourage teachers to use the Census Bureau’s Statistics in Schools program to fashion lessons that demonstrate the value of census data to schools and education
  • Remind residents about employment opportunities

Census Hiring Enumerators:

  • The Census Bureau is hiring up to 500,000 temporary, part-time census takers for the 2020 Census in communities across the country.
  • Temporary positions for the 2020 Census feature flexible hours—a perfect fit if you are looking to earn extra money, even if you already have other commitments.

After a few comments from board members, Mr. Mains indicated he plans to touch upon this topic at each board meeting through April 2020. Mr. Mains was thanked for his presentation.


Budget Work Session Segment for 2020-2021

Budget Presentations:

  • CAPITAL – Operations & Maintenance
  • ADMIN – Management and Classified Staff
  • PROGRAM–Extracurricular Activities/Sports/Technology/Transportation

The budget presentations for Tuesday evening began with Director Kurt Wickham presenting on Transportation, Followed by Director John Hicks presenting on Technology. Assistant Superintendent Michael Pacella concluded with his PowerPoint presentation regarding Operations & Maintenance, Management and Classified Staff, Extracurricular Activities and Sports.


Director of Transportation, Mr. Wickham was first present for transportation on Program Presentations. Some of the highlights of his presentation included the following:

  • In district bus runs are kept at approximately one hour while maximizing student capacity for aid.


  • Birnie Bus:

Abilities 1st

  • Quality Bus:

General Education

Special Education

Summer School

  • Parent transport:

Three (no increase)


Seven (increase of two)

Total Number of Trips:

  • 85 General Education
  • 36 Special Education
  • 7 Private / Parochial


District Size:

•       108.8 Sq. Miles

Transporting Students:

High School, 12(46/bus)     Walkers =57

Crispell Middle 26 (46/bus) Walkers =54

Circleville Middle 11 (44/bus) Walkers = 1

Circleville Elementary 09 (52/bus) Walkers = 0

Pine Bush Elementary 12 (53/bus) Walkers =5

EJ Russell Elementary 09 (55/bus) Walkers = 68

Pakanasink Elementary 06 (58/bus) Walkers = 4

Totals: 85 Trips, 4,180 Students, 189 Walkers


Other Transportation 2019-2020:

Special Education 36                          

Private/Parochial 7                                            

McKinney Vento 1                             

PM OOSS 1          


Work/Life Skills 1        

Summer Special Education 22

71 trips                  348 students


Transportation for 2021:

Early projections:

  • Continued relationship building with current contractors and their staff
  • Route rollover based on student grade advances for next year to begin in early April for contractor and driver review of bus routes and loads beginning in June
  • With routes now fully automated, efficiencies have ben identified to allow for an estimated budget reduction of $300,000


  • Bus assignments to be given to students last day of school
  • Refine and optimize after school activity runs (“late buses”)

In conclusion, Mr. Wickham responded to the board regarding seating issues, as well as plans regarding notification to parents regarding bus pick-up. Notifications will begin earlier this year, at this time the plan is for cards to be given on the last day of with further follow-up during the summer. Mr. Wickham was thanked for his presentation.



Director of Educational Technology, John Hicks, next presented on technology. Highlights of his presentation included the following:



Copy Center

2 District Copy Monitors:

  • one full time monitor
  • one 2 hours/day monitor

SchoolTool (Student Management System):

  • 1 Data Entry and Control Clerk
  • 1 Principal Clerk (state reporting)

Computer and Network Support (district level)

  • 2 Computer Network Specialists
  • 1 Technical Support Assistant
  • 3 Instructional Technology Coaches
    (1 added in 2013-14, 1 added in 2014-2015, 1 added in 2019-20)
  • 1 IT Support Specialist (Core BTS)
    (Replaced Technical Services Mgr in 2016-2017)

Computer Support (building level)

  • 3 Computer Teaching Assistants  (6 hour)
  • 4 Full-time Technical Assistants (12 month)

A chart was provided with a review of computers, Chromebooks, and Work Orders for 2013-2014 through 2019-2020. Also provided in a chart format was a review of Technology Purchase Plan from 2011-2012 to 2020-2021.

The presentation continued showing in review the following:


  • Computer/Chromebook purchases
  • Telephone service
  • District copiers (through BOCES)
  • Data Collection and Reporting (through BOCES)
  • Internet/Data network (through BOCES)
  • Technology Instruction (through BOCES)
  • Network Printers (through BOCES)
  • Maintenance/contractual agreements
  • Staff training
  • Telephone service
  • District copiers (BOCES)
  • Professional Reference Library (through BOCES)
  • Library Automation (BOCES)
  • E Rate Consortium (through BOCES)
  • Replacement parts and supplies.

Mr. Hicks continued with a review of Smart Schools, Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3, and what we currently have completed to date and where we currently stand moving forward.

Finally Mr. Hicks reviewed Security and Privacy, as well as new Education Las 2-D requirements. Highlights included the following:

  • Network and Data Security:
  • We have been working on this for the past few years
  • Implementation was accelerated as a result of events this school year
  • Data Privacy:
  • NYS Board of Regents approved the Ed Law 2-D Regulations on January 13, 2020
  • Significantly impacts the way technology is used in education


District Approach in Addressing Security and Privacy:

  • Email Encryption
  • Patch Management on key systems
  • DNS Layer Security (Cisco Umbrella)
  • Upgraded backup plan and strategy
  • Strengthened Firewall Rules
  • Additional Monitoring
  • Phishing Service
  • End Point Protection
  • Backup for Google Apps
  • Incident Response Planning
  • Review of Firewall Logs

In conclusion, Mr. Hicks addressed the impact this has all taken on privacy and district needs:

  • Additional Expenses of over $140,000 in 2019-2020 Thus Far
  • $40,000 was budgeted
  • $20,000 was one time costs
  • $80,000 additional annual costs
  • asking that $80,000 be added to 2020-2021 Budget
  • There are additional solutions that are being considered
  • The New Data Privacy Regulations will have a significant impact on:
  • Existing software subscriptions
  • New software subscriptions
  • Use of free software

At the conclusion, a brief conversation ensued, some of which addressed grants, phone disruption, and incident response plan. Mr. Hicks was thanked by the board for his very informative presentation. Several board members offered positive comments to Mr. Hicks for his continued support, insight and hard work.


CAPITAL – Operations & Maintenance, ADMIN – Management and Classified Staff PROGRAM–Extracurricular Activities/Sports

Assistant Superintendent Michael Pacella presented the following budget presentations for the evening:

CAPITAL – Operations & Maintenance:

  • 1.0 Director of Facilities
  • 1.0 Assistant Director of Facilities
  • 1.0 Secretary
  • 6.0 Head Custodians including stipends for: 1 Certified Pool Operator
  • 36.0 Custodial Workers including stipends for: 2 Certified Pool Operators,1 Courier (Paid for and shared by School Lunch Fund)
  • 10.0 Maintenance Workers
  •  4.0 Groundskeepers

59.0 Total (no change from prior year)


2020-21 Preliminary Budget Changes:

  • Salaries ($42,699 – 1.24% increase)
  • Equipment ($0 – 0.00% increase)
  • Utilities ($11,000 – .68% decrease)
  • Repairs and Maintenance ($51,960 11.03% increase)
  • Debt Service ($427,898 – 9.37% increase)
  • Other miscellaneous ($6,300 – .74% increase)
  • BOCES services ($1,328 – 2.00% increase)
    We have not received final updated rates

Net change       $519,185 – 4.35% increase


Mr. Pacella continued with a review of debt service and facility usage fees. In conclusion of the O & M Presentation, future plans were stated as follows:

  • Add one Groundskeeper/Maintenance Worker, if funding allows.
  • Energy Performance Contract (EPC)
  1. Approved by the BOE and voters in May, 2018
  2. Work to begin this current school year
  • Facilities Modernization Plan (FMP)
  1. Roofs and generators work to begin this summer
  2. Presentation to be given at 3/10/20 BOE meeting
  • Modular building has been sold and removed
  1. Discussions on the use of the property to ensue


In continuing with the budget presentations, Mr. Pacella presented the following:

2020-2021 Proposed Administrative Staffing



  • 1.0 Superintendent of Schools
  • 2.0 Assistant Superintendents
  • 1.0 Executive Director-HR/Data/Assessment
  • 7.0 Building Principals
  • 10.0 Assistant Principals
  • 6.0 Directors
    Athletics, P.E. & Health; Special Programs; Security; Education Technology; Operations & Maintenance; Transportation (funded by Bus Company)
  • 2.0 Assistant Directors
    Special Programs (1 increase from prior year)

29.0 Total (1 increase from prior year)

Does not include a Director and Assistant for Food Services –Separate budget



  • 1.0 Secretary to the Superintendent
  • 1.0 Executive Secretary to the Superintendent/District Clerk
  • 1.0 Senior Acct. Clerk – Transportation and assistant to Asst. Supt./Business
  • 1.0 Senior Secretary/Typist and assistant to Asst. Supt./Instruction
  • 1.0 Telephone Operator/Typist
  • 1.0 Accountant
  • 1.0 District Treasurer
  • 1.0 Senior Account Clerk – Payroll
  • 1.0 Principal Clerk – Payroll
  • 1.0 Principal Clerk/Tax Collector
  • 1.0 Principal Clerk – Taxes and Accounts Payable
  • 1.0 Account Clerk/Typist – Accounts Payable
  • 1.0 Senior Account Clerk/Typist – HR
  • 1.0 Account Clerk/Typist – HR
  • 1.0 Registrar/Typist
  • 1.0 Internal Claims Auditor (1 day per week)

16.0 Total (no change from prior year)



  • 15.0 Typist
  • 17.0  School Secretary (15 @ 12 months; 2 @ 10 months)
  • 1.0  Central Receiving
  • 2.0  Computer Network Specialist
  • 1.0  Data Entry & Control Clerk
  • 1.0  Principal Clerk/Technology
  • 5.0  Technical Support Assistant
  • 10.5  Security Aide (9 – full time; 3 – half time)
  • 1.0  Physical Therapist
  • 2.0  Physical Therapist’s Assistant
  • 3.0  Occupational Therapist (.4 increase from prior year)
  • 4.0  Occupational Therapist’s Assistant

62.5 Total (.4 increase from prior year)



  • 1 School Lunch Manager
  • 1 Assistant School Lunch Manager
  • 1 Principal Clerk
  • 1 Custodial Worker/Courier
  • 2 Cook Manager
  • 3 Cook
  • 7 Assistant Cook
  • 29 Food Service Helpers (not all full time)

46 Total


2020-2021 Budget


Mr. Pacella reviewed the following current Elementary, Middle and High School Extracurricular – Club Activities:

Elementary Schools (12 positions)

  • Odyssey of the Mind, S.T.E.A.M. Art*  (* Added in 2019-2020)


Middle Schools  (28 positions)

Yearbook, Student Council, Honor Society, 8th Grade Advisor, (2) Odyssey of the Mind, World Language Club (CVMS), Interact, S.T.E.A.M., Drama, Media, Multi-Cultural/Diversity, Fitness/Activity , Students Making a Difference (Crispell), Coding* (* Added in 2019-2020)


Current High School Extracurricular Activities (29 Positions)

PINE BUSH HS: Musical Director, Assistant Musical Director, Musical Choreographer, Senior Class Advisor, Junior Class Advisor, Sophomore Class Advisor, Freshman Class Advisor, Youth in Government,  Play Director; Assistant Play Director, Jazz Band, Honor Society, Mock Trial, Teen Outreach Unity Club, Interact Club, (2) Odyssey of the Mind, Newspaper, Academy of Finance, Human Services Academy, World Languages Club, First Aid Club* Wellness Club* STAR Club* Math Club* First Robotics Club* Polaris Club* SADD Club* (*Added in 2019- 2020).



Fall, 34 positions

  • Football** – V; JV; Mod
  • Girls & Boys Soccer** – V; JV; Mod
  • Girls Swimming/Diving **- V
  • Girls Volleyball – V; JV; Mod
  • Girls & Boys X-Country – V; Mod
  • Girls Tennis – V; JV
  • Cheerleading – V; JV
  • Girls Field Hockey – V; JV: Mod


Winter, 23 Positions

  • Boys Swimming/Diving** – V
  • Girls & Boys Indoor Track** – V
  • Boys Wrestling – V; JV; Mod
  • Girls & Boys Basketball – V; JV; Mod
  • Cheerleading – V; JV


Spring, 34 Positions

  • Boys Baseball** – V; JV; Mod
  • Girls Softball **- V; JV; Mod
  • Girls & Boys Lacrosse** – V; JV; Mod
  • Girls & Boys Track** – V; Mod
  • Boys Tennis – V; JV
  • Girls* & Boys Golf – V
  • Unified Basketball
    Added in 2019-20

 ** Denotes Varsity Assistant Coaches

Requested for 2020-2021

  • Unified Bowling (Estimated $7,000)


During the presentation, accolades were offered on behalf of the district Food Service Dept. Also noted was a request for a Unified Bowling Club, as well as a request from a board member for an update provided to the board regarding the number of participants in our present clubs. At the conclusion, Mr. Pacella was also thanked for his in-depth presentation


Public Participation

President Meier opened the first public participation at approx. 8:38 PM requesting no personal references.  The following comments/questions/concerns were raised:

  • District employee spoke about consideration of the board for a fourth grade band program, for the 2020-21 school year, that would require 2 additional teachers.
  • Resident/parent offered questions/ comments pertaining the MPPR review process.

Brief Recess

A five minutes recess was called at approx. 8:46 PM, at the request of a board member. The meeting resumed at approximately 8:51 PM.


Approval of Resolution / Retirement Incentive                                

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education adopt the following resolution relative to retirement incentive

                BE IT RESOLVED, that the Agreement between the Pine Bush Central School District (PBCSD) and the Pine Bush Teachers’ Association (PBTA), relative to a retirement incentive for the 2019 – 2020 school year, a copy of which shall be attached to the minutes, is hereby approved.

Date: February 11, 2020

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


O-U BOCES Board Candidates – Consideration of Nomination

As an information update, this year, three Orange-Ulster BOCES board members terms expire. To date, we have received, per Orange-Ulster BOCES, three letters of interest to fill these three open seats. If Pine Bush would like to nominate anyone as a candidate for the Orange-Ulster Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), a motion must be called and voted upon. Nominations of candidates must be submitted to OU BOCES no later than March 17, 2020. The following individuals have submitted letters:

  • Larry Berger / Cornwall CSD
  • Martha Bogart / Goshen CSD
  • David Eaton / Warwick CSD

The Board may revisit consideration of nominations prior to March 17, 2020.


Designation & Disposition of Library Books/Materials

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education authorize the disposition of the following library books/materials

Board designation of Library Materials (i.e.books/magazines/cds) as submitted at the request of, Rob Pawson, and acknowledged by Principal Aaron Hopmayer, as outdated and/or in poor condition, therefore, unusable in accordance with Policy #5250  SUBJECT: Disposition of Surplus Property, and authorizes the disposition the following materials as submitted under the direction of Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business. (List to be attached to the minutes)

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Upcoming Board Meetings, Events / Old, New Business / Updates

Upcoming board meetings and events announced Tuesday evening:

The start time for the regular sessions of our board meetings – 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.

Regular Board Meetings:

Tuesday, February 25, 2020, 7:00 PM (reversed location) Pine Bush High School

  • Student Recognition beginning at 6:45 PM, Cafeteria     
  • Recognition of Crispell MS Students – Cast and Crew of Frozen, Jr.


Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 7:00 PM at Pine Bush High School

Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at Circleville Middle School / Student Recognition 6:45 PM

  • Recognition of Circleville MS Students – Cast and Crew of The Lion King, Jr.
  • Recognition of Winter Scholar Athletes

Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 7:00 PM Pine Bush High School/ Student Recognition 6:45 PM

  • Recognition of Pine Bush HS Students – Cast and Crew of Mamma Mia


Other Events:

Circleville MS Drama – THE LION KING, JR.

  • Thursday, February 27, 2020, 7 PM at Circleville MS
  • Friday, February 28, 2020, 7 PM at Circleville MS
  • Saturday, February 29, 2020, 2 PM & 7 PM at Circleville MS


School Board Member Petition Packets –Available first week in March at District Office.
 (See Debbie June, District Clerk)


Senior Citizens Dinner and Play Night at Pine Bush HS

  • Featuring: Mamma Mia                                                               
  • Wednesday, March 18, 2020
  • Dinner begins at 5:30 PM / Play immediately following
  • Please advise Debbie June or Jayna McAteer, if you plan to attend.

Pine Bush HS Spring Musical – MAMMA MIA

  • Friday, March 20, 2020, 7 PM at Pine Bush HS
  • Saturday, March 21, 2020, 11 AM and 7 PM at Pine Bush HS


NYSSBA Members Meet & Mingle Reception – Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Prospective School Board Member Workshop

  • Saturday, March 28, 2020, 9:00 AM – 12:00 noon
  •  Orange- Ulster BOCES – Administrative Conference Room in the Administrative Building

Register via to email Karyn Meier, OCSBA at karyn.meier@ocsba.com registration forms available on the back table or contact Debbie June.


OCSBA Announcement: Mandated Training for New School Board Members–School District Governance

Part 1 –Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 5: 30 PM,  Part 2 –Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 5:30 PM

(Dinner provided) Informational form is on the back table. Debbie June will register any new board members who plans to attend, there will also be options through NYSSBA.


Old/New Business/Updates

  • Board Member requested the nurse information card be updated to either fill a larger form or input online.
  • Superintendent Tim Mains will attend the AASA Conference.


Business & Finance

Claim Auditor’s Reports

MOVED by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the following Claims Auditor’s Reports as submitted: 

 Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0048 1/24/2020 payroll authorizing payments in the amount of $ 1,142,638.48

  • Trust & Agency Acct. (15 checks 004072-004086)    $    1,142,638.48

                Total        $     1,142,638.48


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0049 dated 1/24/2020 check run authorizing payments in the amount of $ 2,751.752.31

  • Cafeteria Fund (6 checks 005094-005099)    $   17,468.13
  • Crispell SAF (2 checks 002320-002321)     $   718.62
  •  HS Activity Fund (2 checks 003985-003986)   $  732.00
  •  CVMS Activity Fund (1 check 001654)    $  206.95                                                         
  • Federal Fund Acct. (1 check 002501)   $    371,743.02
  • Capital Fund (2 checks 001798-001799)     $    5,213.38
  • General Fund (72 checks 061967 -062038)   $   2,351,947.97
  • District Activity AC (6 checks 004723-004728)  $    3,722.24

            Total      $    2,751.752.31

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Health & Welfare Services Contract

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the Health & Welfare Services Contract for the 2019-2020 school year with the New Paltz Central School District at a per student cost of $1,073.03. The contract covers one (1) student who is a Pine Bush resident attending a non-public school (and verified) within the New Paltz district for a total contract cost of $ 1,073.03.

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


District Treasurer’s Reports

MOVED by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the following District Treasurer’s Reports for the period January 1, 2020 through January 31, 2020.

  • General Fund Reports: 

Monthly Treasurer’s Reports / Transfers

Budget Status

  • Monthly Treasurer’s Reports / Budget Status for:

 School Lunch Fund

Capital Fund      

Federal Fund

  • Monthly Treasurer’s Reports for:

Trust & Agency Fund     

District-wide Activity Fund

Student Activity Funds for: Pine Bush High School, Circleville Middle School and Crispell Middle School

Expendable Trust Fund (Scholarships)

Academy of Finance

Human Services Academy

Debt Service

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Public Participation

President Meier opened the second public participation at approx. 9:04 PM requesting no personal references.  No comments/questions/concerns were raised.


Consideration of Executive Session

Hearing no matters for executive session, President Meier called for a motion to adjourn.



MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Watkins, that the Board of Education adjourn the regular meeting, noting the time at approx. 9:05 PM.

YES – 5     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED



Note: BOARD MEETINGS are video recorded and  can be viewed at www.pinebushschools.org                     

Deborah A. June, District Clerk

Pine Bush CSD

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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