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Board of Education Meeting Minutes May 8, 2018

Date: May 8, 2018       
Kind of Meeting: Regular Meeting & Budget Hearing
Pine Bush High School
Members Present
Dori Johnson, Vice President 
Lloyd Greer, Jr.
Kristi Kheiralla        
Gretchen Meier
Cara Robertson
Roseanne Sullivan 

Members Absent:     Peter Agro, President      

Others Present: Tim Mains, Superintendent of Schools      
Donna Geidel, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction    
Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business   
Deborah June,  District Clerk

Approximately 98 (recognition) and 26 (regular/budget hearing) residents/students/staff members

Call to Order/Regular Session

The meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Vice President Johnson at approximately, 6:20 PM with the following motion offered to proceed with regular session.
MOVED by Trustee Meier, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting.
YES – 5   NO – 0    CARRIED

BOE Adjourns to Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Meier, second by Trustee Kheiralla, request that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session at 6:21 PM (at district office) for discussion regarding RE: Supt’s Evaluation.
YES – 5   NO – 0    CARRIED 

BOE Returns to Regular Session

MOVED by Trustee Meier, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education adjourn executive session and return to regular session and budget hearing at approx. 6:48 PM.
YES – 5   NO – 0    CARRIED (Sullivan arrived approx. 6:50 pm)

BOE Recognizes Cast and Crew from The Addams Family

The members of Board of Education continued on to the hs auditorium for the student recognition portion of the evening.

Student Recognition
The Board of Education recognized the cast and crew from the following high school performance:
 School                                          Performance                           Directors
 Pine Bush High  School      The Addams Family            Brian Flint/ Ralph Wagner/Robin Evans

The Board of Education resumed regular session in the high school cafeteria followed by the pledge of allegiance and beginning with the Public Hearing.

Budget Hearing
Presentation:  School Budget Hearing  –  Proposed 2018-2019 School District Budget
Superintendent Mains stated that the advertised Budget Hearing would begin first followed by the regular agenda item for the meeting. Superintendent Mains and Assistant Superintendent Michael Pacella presented a PowerPoint entitled 2018-2019 School District Budget.

Following the presentation, the meeting was opened for public comment prior to the  to the introduction of candidates. Superintendent Mains also stated that representatives from Ameresco and ECG (re: Energy Performance)  were also in attendance, and information pertaining to the Energy Performance contract was available on the district website.  Some of the highlights of the presentation included the following: Final Proposed Budget Goals —Provide an instructional program that continues the strong educational standards of Pine Bush within the legal financial constraints,Address evolving state standards, Maintain or lower current class sizes, Offer additional opportunities for our students, Address the need to provide safe learning environments for our students; The presentation continued with a review of the following:

Changes for the 2018-2019 Budget
· Addition of 2 Literacy Coaches – Elementary
· Reduction of Elementary Teacher due to enrollment
· Addition of 2 ENL Teachers – District Wide
· Addition of 1 Behavioral Specialist – District Wide
· Addition of 1 S.T.E.A.M. Coach   PBHS
· Reduction of 1 Social Studies Teacher due to enrollment
· 6th period stipends for Special Education teachers
· Enhanced security at each school
– Full time SRO at PBHS
– Armed police officers (retired) each day at all other schools
– 3 Part Time Security Aides (2 @ Crispell; 1@ CVMS)
– Integration to a new security software program
· Increases of current program based on contractual obligations and other growth factors
 · 2 Modified teams (softball & baseball) 
 · 1 Unified basketball team   
 · Increased professional development 
 · Increase in BOCES admin/capital expenses
 · Transition to new bus company
 · Savings from 13 teacher retirements.

Changes from the Prior Year
2017 2018 Approved Budget  $114,243,524
2018 2019 Proposed Budget  $116,178,996
Dollar Change    $    1,935,472
Percentage Change    1.69 %
Breakdown of Proposed 2018-2019 Budget of $116,178,996
Program: 78.93 %
Capital: 10.80 %
Administrative: 10.27%

The presentation continued with a review of the following: State Aid and Taxes as % of Budget for the years 2008-2009 to 2018-2019 (projected); Budget support from State Aid; Budget to Budget Comparison from 2017-2018 to 2018-2019; Proposed Budget Breakdown; Additional Funding to Support Programs, and a review of the 2018-2019 Property Tax Report Card.

In concluding the presentation, all were reminded of the date, time, and polling sites for the 2018-2019 Budget Vote and Election of Board Candidates. The following information was provided:Vote/ Election to be held on May 15, 2018 with the polls open from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Polling Sites—Residents of:
Gardiner & Shawangunk              Walker Valley Fire House
Crawford & Montgomery Pine Bush High School
Mt. Hope & Wallkill  Circleville Elementary School
Mamakating   Bloomingburg Town Park
Superintendent Mains and Assistant Superintendent Pacella were thanked for the presentation.

Questions & Answers Period on Budget — Public Participation
Vice President Johnson opened the public participation specific to the Budget Hearing at approx. 7:43  PM requesting no personal references.  The following comments/questions were offered:
· Resident requested clarfication of the Capital Reserve Fund, Superintendent Mains provided clarification and also made mention of an anticipated Capital Project in the Fall/Winter of 2018 to be presented for voter approval.

Introduction of Candidates

Candidates’s Personal Statements
Superintendent Tim Mains introduced the candidates. Each candidate was provided with approximately three (3) minutes to present their personal statement regarding their candidacy.
Note: Two (2) member seats to the Board of Education at large are open for election. The terms of office for the two (2) seats that will be available (due to the expiration of terms of office of Peter Agro and Roseanne Sullivan as of June 30, 2018) are for three years, commencing July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2021.

The candidates were then introduced in the order their names will appear on the May 15th ballot as determined by the drawing that was held on Tuesday, April 17th,  2018, the day following the deadline for the submission of petitions:  

Matthew Watkins

Ross Tompkins

Kristin Graessle

Martin Nankin

( No questions were offered to the candidates)

Approval of Minutes
MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Sullivan that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the April 19, 2018 regular meeting and the April 24, 2018 special meeting as submitted by the District Clerk.
YES –    6      NO – 0   CARRIED

Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent
Consent Agenda
MOVED by Trustee Sullivan, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the following Consent Agenda and addition** to the Consent Agenda as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools:
Board authorization the creation of the following positions:
(1) One Translator Substitute at $25/per hour, effective May 9, 2018.

(1) One 1.5 hour/day School Monitor effective May 9, 2018.
 (To be combined with an existing 5.0 hrs/day position with the current need at Pakanasink Elementary).

Kevin Moller, resignation from his  position as a 1.0 FTE Social Studies Teacher, at the close of business on June 30, 2018.

Gina Sullivan, resignation from her position as a 1.0 FTE  Special Education Teacher, at the close of business on June 25, 2018.

Pamela Irber,  resignation, for the purpose of retirement, from her position as a 6.0 hours/day Teaching Assistant, effective at the close of business June 30, 2018.

Dolores Trivolis, resignation,  for the purpose of retirement, from her position as a 6.0 hours/day Teaching Assistant, effective at the close of business July 1, 2018.

Debra Murphy,  resignation, for the purpose of retirement,  from her position as a 1.0 FTE KindergartenTeacher, at the close of business on June 30, 2018.

Linda Bradley,  resignation, for the purpose of retirement, from her  position as a 1.0 FTE Speech Teacher, at the close of business on June 30, 2018.

Cynthia Morales,  resignation from her position as a 3.0 hours/day Food Service Helper, at the close of business on April 18, 2018.

Non- Instructional 
Board approval of the following resolution:
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Superintendent’s recommendation that the services of Paul Labar, as a 1.0 FTE Head Custodian, be terminated as of the close of business on May 8, 2018, is hereby accepted.
Date: May 8, 2018

Administrative Leave**
Board of Education approval of the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Pine Bush Central School District authorize paid administrative leave of absence for “Employee #5082018″ effective April 26, 2018 until further notice.

Lauren Mahoney, who holds a Teaching Assistant Level I certificate, be appointed on probation as a part-time, non-tenure bearing, 6.0 hour/day Teaching Assistant effective May 21, 2018, salary as per contract.

Shannon Peterson, who holds a Teaching Assistant Level I certificate, be appointed on probation as a part-time, non-tenure bearing, 4.0 hour/day Teaching Assistant effective May 10, 2018, salary as per contract.

Linda Higgins, probationary appointment as a full-time 12 month/year School Secretary effective May 23, 2018, salary as per contract (pro-rated) noting she is certified for such appointment through the Orange County Department of Human Resources.

Muriel Moorhead, amended appointment as a district office per diem substitute to reflect a salary of $15/hour, effective March 19, 2018.

Cindy Gloster, temporary appointment of as a school monitor (up to 16 hours/week) effective for the period July 2, 2018 through August 30, 2018, salary as per contract.

Elementary and Middle Summer School Tutorial Program   2018
Board approval of the following temporary appointment for the following instructional staff member as a nurse for the Elementary ( PAK and CES) and Middle School ( CVMS)
 Summer School Program , effective for the  July 2, 2018  through  July 26, 2018.  Monday through Thursday 4 day/week, for a maximum of 4.25/ hours per day (7:15 AM – 11:30 AM), salary as per contract.                 Patricia Fernandez

Board approval of the following temporary appointment for the following instructional staff member as a nurse for the Elementary (EJR) Summer School Program , effective for the  July 2, 2018  through  July 26, 2018.  Monday through Thursday 4 day/week, for a maximum of 3.0 hours/ per day (8:15 AM – 11:15 AM), salary as per contract.  Lisa Mills
Pine Bush High School Summer Tutorial Program   2018
Board of approval the following temporary appointment for the following instructional staff member as a nurse for the Pine Bush High School Summer School Program , effective for the  July 5, 2018  through August 16, 2018.  Monday through Thursday 4 day/week, for a maximum of 4.5/ hours per day, salary as per contract.  
         Linda Loennecker  7:30 AM – 12:00 PM)

Secondary/High School  Summer Academies   2018
Board approval  the following temporary appointment for the following instructional staff member as a nurse for the High School Summer Academies Program,  effective for the period  July 2, 2018  through July 27, 2018.  Monday through Friday, 5 days/week, for a maximum of 3.25/ hours per day, salary as per contract.  
                                     Patricia Fernandez 12:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Per Diem Substitutes
Board approval for  the appointment of the following individual as a per diem substitute, effective May 9, 2018 at board approved per diem substitute rates or as indicated:
        Mara Hermelee

YES –    6      NO – 0   CARRIED

Approval CSE/CPSE  Placement Recommendations 
MOVED by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education approve all IEPs of the Committee on Special Education and  the Committee on Preschool Special Education as submitted by the CSE and CPSE Chairperson and reviewed by Trustee Cara Robertson.
YES –    6      NO – 0   CARRIED

Public Participation 
Vice President Johnson opened the first public participation at approx. 8:17 PM requesting no personal references. No comments/questions/concerns were raised.

Approval of Overnight Trip Request
MOVED by Trustee Sullivan, second by Trustee Meier, that the Board of Education approve the following overnight trip request:
· Board approval of the overnight trip request submitted by Deborah Wallace and Susan Cartisano Co- Coordinators of the Odyssey of the Mind Program for one (1) school team to travel to the Ames, Iowa, to  participate in the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals Competition. One (1) championship team, from Pine Bush Elementary School to participate in the trip to Iowa that is scheduled for May 23, 2018 through May 27, 2018. Approximately seven (7) students and three (3) chaperones plan to participate, providing an approx. student/chaperone ratio of  2 :1. The student cost is zero. Funding of trip is through OM World Finals Account, district funds, and fund raising efforts.
(Included in your packet is the applicable paper work for this event.)
YES –    6      NO – 0   CARRIED

Approval of Proposed New  Policy for First Read
MOVED by Trustee Sullivan, second by Trustee Meier, that the Board of Education approve new Policy 5675 for first reading, to include additional verbiage (third para., end of second sentence….and overseen by the Superintendent):
· Approval of Amended Policy 5675 – Student Grading Information Systems
YES –    6      NO – 0   CARRIED

Approval for Athletic Invitational
MOVED by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Sullivan, that the Board of Education officially approve participation of the following  athletic invitational, noting it is not OCIAA sanctioned and, therefore, not part of the roster. Board approval of the following allows students attending to be covered under the district insurance. 
· Pine Bush High School Boys and Girls Spring Track Teams participation in the Goshen Invitiational at Goshen High School on Tuesday, May 22, 2018.
Funding source:  Booster Club      $125.00
Transportation to these events will be provided by First Student – To be paid for by the Booster
Club/Activity Account.
YES –    6      NO – 0   CARRIED
 Upcoming Meetings/Events, Old/New Business, Updates
The following information was announced Tuesday evening:

ANNUAL MEETING: – Budget Vote & Election of Board of Education Members
 · Tuesday, May 15, 2018, 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
 Polling Sites:
Residents of:
   · Crawford & Montgomery – Pine Bush High School
   · Gardiner & Shawangunk – Walker Valley Fire House
   · Mt. Hope & Wallkill  – Circleville Elementary School
   · Mamakating   – Bloomingburg Town Park
Board of Education meets in the District Office following the close of the polls to await and accept the unofficial results of the vote.
 Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 7:00 PM  – CVMS
  Reception and Approval of Tenure Recipients

  Tuesday, June 12, 2018
  Pine Bush High  School (Auditorium) – 7:00 p.m.
  Scholar Athlete Recognition at 6:45 PM
  Odyssey of the Mind Recognition immediately following

  Other Meetings/Events
  Thursday, May 17, 2018, 5:30 PM
  Pine Bush Teachers’ Association Scholarship Awards Dinner 
  at The Eagle’s Nest
  (Please RSVP to Debbie June or Lynn Baldassano ASAP)

  Thursday, May 24, 2018, at PBHS
  Pine Bush HS Top 30 Senior Recognition, 5:00 PM
  Pine Bush HS Senior Awards Ceremony, 6:00 PM
  National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremonies:
  Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 7:00 PM, Crispell Middle School
  Thursday, June 7, 2018, 7:00 PM, Circleville Middle School
  (If possible, please RSVP to Debbie June or Lynn Baldassano)

Other Updates Old New Business:
· CTE National Tech Honor Society Ceremony, May 16, 2018, 6 PM at BOCES;
· All Night Graduation Mtg, May 14, 2018, HS Library, 7 PM;
· Upcoming Spring Concerts: EJR and PAK on 5/10 and PBE on 5/14, CES on 5/15;
· May 15, Science Fairs at CVMS, PBE and EJR;
· Request for possible update on how bus company is doing with drivers (Fall Status), Assistant Superintendent Pacella spoke regarding staffing.

Business & Finance  
Claims Auditor’s Reports 
MOVED by Trustee Sullivan, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education acknowledge
receipt and acceptance of the following Claims Auditor’s Reports as submitted:

Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0064, dated 4/10/2018, authorizing payments in  the  amount of  $ 861,815.08
Trust and Agency Acct.  (6 checks 003635-003640)   $ 861,815.08
Total $ 861,815.08 

Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0065, dated 4/13/18, authorizing payments in the amount of  $ 2,710,022.55
Cafeteria Fund (13 checks 004535-004547)    $  49,637.60
Crispell SAF (2 checks 002238-002239)          686.08

HS Activity Fund (10 checks 003607-003616)     14,554.36
Federal Fund Acct (16 checks  002330-002345)    122,269.80
Capital Fund (1 checks  001698)        45,000.00
General Fund (96 checks  052753-052848)               2,380,411.62
District Activity AC (9 checks 004215-004223)         97,463.09

Total $         2,710,022.55

Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0066, dated 4/20/18, authorizing payments in the amount of  $ 524,035.37
Cafeteria Fund (12 checks 004548-004559)    $   14,374.68
Crispell SAF (1 checks 002240)              385.00
HS Activity Fund (17 checks 003617-003633)       26,221.62
Academy of Finance (2 checks 001600-001601)             467.86 
General Fund (106 checks  052849-052954)       465,277.41
District Activity AC (9 checks 004224-004229)           17,308.80

Total $   524,035.37

Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0067, dated 4/25/18 payroll, authorizing payments in the amount of  $ 1,078,306.18
Trust and Agency Acct.  (6 checks 003635-003640)   $ 1,078,306.18
 Total $ 1,078,306.18

YES –    6      NO – 0   CARRIED 

Health & Welfare Services Contract
MOVED by Trustee Sullivan, second by Trustee Meier,that the Board of Education approve
the following Health and Welfare Service Contracts:
· Board approval of  the Health & Welfare Services Contract for the 2017-2018 school year with the New Paltz Central School District at a per student cost of $ 903.08. The contract covers 2 (2) students who are Pine Bush residents attending a non-public school within the New Paltz district–for a total contract cost of $ 1,806.16 (Two student’s attend the Mt. Laurel Waldorf School, which has been verified.)

· Board approval of the Health & Welfare Services Contract for the 2017-2018 school year with the Enlarged City School District of Middletown at a per student cost of $ 730.44 The contract covers 20 students who are Pine Bush residents attending a non-public school within the Middletown–for a total contract cost of $14,408.80 (20 student’s attend have been verified.)
YES –    6      NO – 0   CARRIED

Authorize Funding / Terms & Conditions of Employment Between District and PBTA
MOVED by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Sullivan that the Board of Education approve the following resolution for adoption:       

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the funding of the Terms and Conditions of Employment Between the Pine Bush Central School District and the Pine Bush Teachers Association outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement dated April 17, 2018, noting the Contract covers
a four-year period,  July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2022.
Date: May 8, 2018
YES –    6      NO – 0   CARRIED

Roll Call:
C. Robertson Yes  K. Kheiralla Yes
G. Meier  Yes  R. Sullivan Yes
L. Greer, Jr. Yes  D. Johnson Yes
(Congratulations was offered by bd. regarding teachers contract also noting clerical has currently met).
Public Participation 
Vice President Johnson opened the second public participation at approx 8:39 PM requesting no personal references. No comments/questions/concerns were raised.
Executive Session
Hearing no matters for executive session, Vice Pres. Johnson called for a motion for adjournment,
MOVED by Trustee Kheiralla,  second by Trustee Sullivan  that the Board of Education adjourn its
meeting, noting the time at approx 8:40 PM.
YES –    6      NO – 0   CARRIED

Note: BOARD MEETINGS are video recorded and  can be viewed at www.pinebushschools.org                                         

Deborah A. June, District Clerk
Pine Bush CSD

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Brian Dunn
Superintendent of Schools
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