Sept. 28, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Pine Bush CSD- Board of Education
Minutes Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 – Circleville Middle School

Members Present:

  • Matthew Watkins
  • Kristi Kheiralla
  • Cara Robertson
  • Ross Tompkins
  • Members Absent:
  • Gretchen Meier
  • Dori Johnson

Others Present:

  • Tim Mains, Superintendent of Schools
  • Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business
  • John Hicks, Director of Educational Technology
  • Maria Wise, District Clerk
  • Approximately 30 staff and community members


Call to Order

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting at approximately 6:32 PM



Adjourn Regular Session to Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Tompkins that the Board of Education adjourn regular session to executive session at approximately 6:33 PM.



Adjourn from Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education adjourn from executive session at approximately 7:01 PM.



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Trustee Robertson with the following motion offered:

MOVED by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting at approximately 7:05 PM



Pledge of Allegiance

Board Trustee Robertson requested that all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at approximately 7:06 PM.


Approval of Minutes

Moved by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the September 14, 2021, Regular Meeting as submitted by the District Clerk.



Appointment of Board Member to Audit Committee

The Board of Education appointed a board member to replace Tasha T. Butler on the Audit Committee. (Gretchen Meier and Dori Johnson are currently members of the Audit Committee)
Cara Robertson will replace Tasha T. Butler on the Audit Committee.


Addition to the Consent Agenda

Moved by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approved to add an Addition to the Consent Agenda*



Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools


Consent Agenda

Moved by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Tompkins that the Board of Education approve the following consent agenda and the addition* to the consent agenda as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools:

Tonight’s consent agenda includes the appointment of the following new personnel:

  • Jaclyn Mann – Permanent Substitute Teacher
  • Joshua Hatfield – Behavioral Aide
  • Diane Briscese –Teacher Aide


Addition to the Consent Agenda:

  • Desiree Nesbitt-Typist
  • Jessica Zukor – School Monitor
  • Stephanie Manley– Permanent Substitute School Monitor
  • Denise Coen– Teaching Assistant
  • Collen Hayden-Teaching Assistant




  • James Lemaux, resignation from his position as a 3.5 hr/day School Monitor, effective at the close of business September 15, 2021.
  • Michaela Veneziali resignation from her position as a 5 hr/day school monitor effective October 8, 2021.
  • Denise Coen* resignation from her position as a 6.5 hr/day Teacher Aide, effective September 24, 2021.


Leave of Absence


  • Patricia Salle, unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 6.0 hours/day Teaching Assistant effective October 20, 2021 through January 28, 2022.
  • Samantha Alfieri, unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 6.75 hr/day Teaching Assistant position effective August 30, 2021 through June 30, 2022.




  • Jaclyn Mann, who holds Initial certificates in Students with Disabilities Birth -2 and Students with Disabilities Gr 1- 6, be appointed to a position of 1.0 FTE Permanent Substitute Teacher in the Special Education (General) tenure area for the period of September 27, 2021 through November 12, 2021. Salary
    level MA Step 2 (pro-rated).
  • AMEND Christine Lombardo*, who holds a Initial certificate in Childhood Education 1-6, to be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher-Elementary in the tenure area of Elementary for a four year probationary period commencing September 27, 2021 and ending September 26, 2025. Salary level BA, Step 5 of the salary schedule.
    Be it further resolved that, to the extend applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Christine Lombardo must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Denise Coen*, who holds a Teaching Assistant Level I certificate be appointed on probation as a part-time, non-tenure bearing 6.5 hr/day Teaching Assistant, effective September 25, 2021. Salary as per contract (pro-rated).
  • Colleen Hayden*, who holds a Teaching Assistant Emergency Covid-19 certificate be appointed on probation as a part-time, non-tenure bearing 4 hr/day Teaching Assistant, effective September 22, 2021. Salary as per contract (pro-rated).


Non – Instructional

  • Joshua Hatfield, provisional appointment to a 6.5 hr/day position of Behavioral Aide, effective September 27, 2021, salary as per contract, noting he is certified for such appointment through the Orange County Department of Human Resources.
  • Diane Briscese*, probationary appointment to a 6.5 hr/day position of Teacher Aide, effective September 29, 2021, salary as per contract.
    *Such appointment is conditioned upon the District’s receipt of clearance for employment from the N.Y. State Education Department relating to the fingerprinting and criminal history record check of the prospective school
    employees. The emergency conditional segments of the appointments shall commence as of September 29, 2021 and shall not exceed twenty (20) business days.
  • RESCIND the appointment of Megan Kellett to a 6.5 hr/day Teacher Aide position effective August 30, 2021.
  • Jessica Zukor* probationary appointment to a 4.0 hr/day position of School Monitor, effective September 29, 2021, salary as per contract (pro-rated).
  • Desiree Nesbitt* probationary appointment as a full-time, 12 month Typist, effective October 18, 2021, at an annual salary as per contract (pro-rated), noting she is certified for such appointment through the Orange County Department of Human Resources.
    *Such appointment is conditioned upon the District’s receipt of clearance for employment from the N.Y. State Education Department relating to the fingerprinting and criminal history record check of the prospective school
    employees. The emergency conditional segments of the appointments shall commence as of October 19, 2021 and shall not exceed twenty (20) business days.
  • Stephanie Manley* temporary appointment to a 6.0 hr/day Permanent Substitute School Monitor position effective October 18, 2021 through June 24, 2022, salary as per contract (pro-rated). Pending receipt of First Aid CPR/AED certification and Child Abuse and Maltreatment training course verification
    *Such appointment is conditioned upon the District’s receipt of clearance for employment from the N.Y. State Education Department relating to the fingerprinting and criminal history record check of the prospective school
    employees. The emergency conditional segments of the appointments shall commence as of October 19, 2021 and shall not exceed twenty (20) business days.



Sixth Period Duty

Crispell Middle School

Recommend the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following instructional staff member assigned a duty as an extra sixth period assignment for the 2021-2022 school year at the annual contractual stipend as per contract:

  • Keith Bischoff
  • Kimberly Craft
  • Valerie George
  • Nicholas Glielmi
  • James Wright



Pine Bush High School

Recommend the Board of Education RESCIND the following extra-curricular appointments for the 2021-2022 school year:

  • Michelle Robinson, Robotics Co-Advisor, Level IV, Step 1(2)
  • Enis Egdemir, Robotics Co-Advisor, Level IV, Step 1(1)



Pine Bush Elementary School

Board of Education approval of the following extra-curricular appointments for the 2021-2022 school year at the appropriate extra-curricular stipend:

  • Lisa Poquette – Odyssey of the Mind Co-Coach, Level III, Step 1(1)
  • Sara Fanning – Odyssey of the Mind Co-Coach, Level III, Step 1(1)


Extra Curricular

Recommend the Board of Education approve the following extra-curricular appointments for the 2021-2022 school year at the appropriate extra-curricular stipend:

Pine Bush Elementary

  • Donna Decker*, Engineering Adventures Club Advisor @ Level V, Step 1(1)
    Extra-Curricular Board approval of the following extracurricular appointments for the 2021-2022school year at the appropriate extracurricular stipends:


Pine Bush High School:

  • Robin Evans*, Play Director @ Level III, Step 1 (1)


Pine Bush HS Extended Detention Program

Board approval of the following instructional staff members as per diem substitutes to cover the Extended Detention Program during the afternoon sessions for the 2021-2022 school year at the rate of $36/hour: (Monday through Thursday: 2:30 PM – 5:15 PM).

  • Jefferson Nathe – Monday & Tuesday 2:30PM – 5:15PM
  • Jonathan Lozier – Wednesday & Thursday 2:30PM – 5:15PM


Per Diem Substitutes

Board approval for the appointment of the following individuals as per diem substitutes (or tutor) effective September 29, 2021, or as noted, at board approved per diem substitute rates:

  • Brittany Bressler
  • Mary Schof– 9/27/21
  • Kristen Turner
  • Vanessa Villamil – 9/23/21
  • Briana Lopez
  • Jessica Novins**
  • Stephanie Valk **/*
  • Kathleen Novins

**Such appointment is conditioned upon the District’s receipt of clearance for employment from the N.Y. State Education Department relating to the fingerprinting and criminal history record check of the prospective school
employees. The emergency conditional segments of the appointments shall commence as of September 29, 2021 and shall not exceed twenty (20) business days.



Approval of CSE & CPSE Placement Recommendations

Moved by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education placement recommendations as submitted by the CSE & CPSE Chairpersons, and reviewed by Trustee Watkins.



Presentation: Summer School Report -Pine Bush High School- 2021

Brian Miros, Assistant Principals from Pine Bush High School presented a report on Summer School. The presentation included information on the ease of registration using google forms and the course offerings were as follows: Academic courses offered in English, Social Studies, Common Core Algebra I, Living Environment, Physical Education and Spanish 1. Grad Point online classes were offered as well for students to work independently: Forensics, math electives, English, Health are just some of the courses offered.

Special Education services were available for students as well. Information was shared on the enrollment numbers and the format of the program. The presentation concluded with a summary. The Summer School program was successful. The dedication and hard work that the staff put into helping making our program a success is a tribute to them and our students benefited. There was a graduation ceremony for 9 graduates and Graduation for the seniors was a highlight!

Mr. Miros was thanked for the presentation.


Presentation: Summer Enrichment Academies – 2021

Aaron Hopmayer, Principal of Pine Bush High School presented on the 2021 Enrichment Academies.

The Summer Enrichment Academies for 2021 included three academies, they were STEM Academy, Fine Arts Academy and Leadership and Law Academy. The presentation gave some highlights to each program.

The presentation ended with what’s coming for 2022: S.T.E.M. Academy.
Fine Arts Academy, Leadership & Law Academy, Aviation Academy, Advanced Manufacturing Academy, Science Academy and Medical Academy.

Mr. Hopmayer was thanked for the presentation.


Acknowledge Receipt and Acceptance of Donation

Moved by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Watkins, that the Board of Education acknowledged receipt and acceptance of a donation from Wristline Inc of a WLKATA Mirobot (Desktop robotic arm) Professional Kit X1 for our High School STEAM Program.



Approval of the Revised 2021-2022 School District Calendar for Adoption
Moved by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approved the REVISED 2021-2022 calendar for adoption as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools.



Transportation Update

Superintendent Mains provided an update on transportation. Some key points were that we have started the first emergency contract this week for 5 runs for nonpublic schools. Next week we will be starting the second emergency contact for 10 runs which would be 5 secondary and 5 elementary utilizing 5 buses and drivers. Birnie Bus has 60 applicants for drivers and that is good news, but we do not know how many will go through. We are going to monitor the impact next week. We hope to go back to regular schedule once we know that there is coverage and back up. Mr. Mains indicated that we could operate up to Thanksgiving on the adjusted shortened school schedule and still meet
the number of hours of instruction for New York State but we would like to go back to regular schedule sooner.

Trustee Robertson thanked Mr. Mains, Mr. Pacella and Mr. Wickham.


Public Participation

The first public participation segment was opened at approx. 7:31 PM by Trustee Robertson. The following were the questions/comments/concerns raised and for complete conversation of this public participation refer to the online video at (watch board meetings).The second public participation ended at approximately 7:51 PM.

  • Comment and concerns about the Pine Bush Aquatics Clubs’ ability to use district pool
  • Comment and concerns about tutoring when on quarantine
  • Concern over other counties having different rules in regards to quarantine for Covid 19
  • Concern over the bathroom situation at the high school, some are closed
  • Concern that there are no soap dispensers in the high school
  • Question about where students are changing?
  • Comments and concerns over mask wearing
  • Comment about Governor and Department of Health mandates
  • Question about why vaccinated children are able to go back to class when there are quarantines?


Trustee Robertson read a Public Statement addressing the Board of Education Vacancy.

“As our community is aware, a vacancy exists on the Pine Bush Board of Education. State law permits the Board of Education to fill this vacancy by appointment or to leave it vacant until the next annual election.

Based on past practice, and consistent with the authority granted under New York State law, the Board of Education has decided to keep this seat vacant until the annual election in May 2022.”

Trustee Robertson invited the public to put petitions in and run for the school board in May 2022.


Upcoming Board Meetings, Events, Old/New Business and Update

Our upcoming board meetings and events should be announced Tuesday evening.

The start time for the regular sessions of our board meetings – 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.


Regular Board Meetings:

  • Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 7:00 PM at Pine Bush High School
  • Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 7:00 PM at Circleville Middle School


Other District Meetings/Events:

  • Pine Bush High School Virtual National Honor Society Induction Ceremony
    September 29, 2021, 7:00 PM -8:30 PM
  • Audit Committee Mtg.
    Monday, October 4, 2021, 5:00 PM at District Office
  • Orange County School Boards Association (OCSBA)
    Delegate Meeting: Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 7:00PM (Virtual)
    Monday, October 11, 2021, Columbus Day – NO SCHOOL


Business & Finance

Claims Auditor’s Reports

Moved by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the following Claims Auditor’s Reports as submitted:

Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0015 dated 9/10/2021 payroll authorizing payments in the amount of $ 847,818.75

  • PR Transactions (5 checks (004405-004409) $ 847,818.75

Total $ 847,818.75


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0016 dated 9/10/2021 check run, authorizing payments in the amount of $ 4,599,614.80

  • Federal Fund Acct (7 checks 002619-002625) $ 142,044.12
  • Capital Fund (8 checks 001897-001904) 3,388,117.61
  • General Fund (51 check 069023-069073) 1,069,453.07

Total $ 4,599,614.80


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0017 dated 9/17/2021 Medicare Reimbursement authorizing payments in the amount of $ 200,860.60

  • General Fund (384 checks (069074-069457) $ 200,860.60

Total $ 200,860.60


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0018 dated 9/17/2021 Check Run authorizing payments in the amount of $ 466,003.74

  • Cafeteria Fund (9 checks 005688-005696) $ 2,153.51
  • Federal Fund Acct. (4 checks 002626-002629) 28,834.18
  • General Fund (35 checks 069458-069492) 435,016.05

Total $ 466,003.74



Approval of Bid Award for Student Transportation

Moved by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Watkins, that the Board of Education awarded the Student Transportation Bid to the Mosdos Satmar of Bloomingburg as follows: (Packets were sent to two vendors and
one vendor returned a bid) Mosdos Satmar of Bloomingburg $90/round trip, two round trips/day Cost of Aide, if necessary: $20/round trip



Approval of Change orders for Capital Improvement Project 2019 (Phase 2)

Moved by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approved the following change orders for the 2019 Capital Improvement Project- Phase II:

Prime Contractor Allowance & Construction Contingency Recommendation

CPL and the Pike Company, the District’s Architect and Construction Manager for the above project, recommend the Board of Education to approve the following Change Orders. All to be financed through the Construction Contingency and/or Prime Contractor Allowance.

No. Description Contractor Increase Cost

Pine Bush High School SED No: 44-04-01-06-0-007-027

  • BR-001 Hollow Metal Frame Expediting General $ 3,707.26
  • 041 RFI 62 – Install 12” Storm Pipe at Entrance Site $ 3,441.01
  • 073 RFI 82 – Install Catch Basin Site $ 3,499.47
  • 009 RFI 13 – Curbing at New Gates Site $ 3,480.67
  • TBD Repair Catch Basin in Staff Parking Lot Site $ 1,498.00
  • TBD Raise Two Valve Box Risers Site $ 631.44
  • TBD Raise Electric Vault Site $ 495.04
  • TBD Undercut at Maintenance Area Site $ 4,635.23
  • TBD Additional Numbering for Parking Spaces Site $ 2,424.18
  • TBD Remove & Install New Asphalt Sidewalk Site $ 3,459.08

Building Total $27,271.38


Pakanasink Elementary School SED No: 44-04-01-06-0-012-0015

  • 086 RFI 94 – Locker room Skylights General $11,346.70
  • TBD RFI 104 – Tremco Roofing at New Canopy General $ 9,752.76

Building Total $21,099.46


Circleville Middle School SED No: 44-04-01-06-0-014-015

  • BR-005 RFI 105 – Tremco Roofing for RTU General $ 8,851.41
  • TBD Adjust Curb Grades Site $ 2,217.76
  • TBD Additional Undercuts Site $19,625.53
  • 074 RFI 81 Remove Curbing Site $ 920.61
  • TBD Fix and Replace Manhole Top Site $ 4,741.07
  • TBD Install 4” Under Drain Site $ 2,930.97
  • TBD Remove and Replace Asphalt Sidewalk Site $ 7,765.53
  • TBD Install Concrete Steps at Loading Dock Site $ 483.58
  • TBD Excavate and Backfill Camera Conduit Site $ 963.21

Building Total $48,499.67


Circleville Elementary School SED No: 44-04-01-06-0-009-016

  • 001 RFI 28 – Remove Existing Valves in Boiler Room HVAC $ 1,165.76
  • TBD Additional Undercuts Site $ 5,975.56
  • TBD Provide Low Profile Casting Site $ 890.72
  • TBD Repair Roof Drain Piping Site $ 3,058.10
  • TBD Provide Light Rip Rap Stone Along Paving Site $ 10,028.36
  • TBD Change Size of Gate to 30’ Site $ 3,874.26

Building Total $ 24,992.76



Public Participation

The second public participation segment was opened at approx. 7:57 PM by President Meier. The following were the questions/comments/concerns raised and for complete conversation of this public participation refer to the online video at (watch board meetings).The second public participation ended at approximately 7:59 PM.

  • Concerns over masks.


Consideration of Executive Session

Hearing no matters for executive session, Trustee Robertson asked for a motion to adjourn.



Moved by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education adjourn the regular meeting noting the time at approximately 7:59 PM.


Note: BOARD MEETINGS are live streamed and video recorded with closed captioning available and can be viewed at


Maria Wise (electronically signed/mw)
Maria Wise, District Clerk Pine Bush CSD

(Disclosure: Minutes will be printed on numbered minute paper and placed in the district minute books).

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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