Nov. 9, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Pine Bush CSD- Board of Education
Minutes Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November 9, 2021 – Pine Bush High School

Members Present:

  • Gretchen Meier, President
  • Matthew Watkins, Vice President
  • Dori Johnson
  • Kristi Kheiralla
  • Cara Robertson
  • Ross Tompkins


Members Absent:


Others Present:

  • Tim Mains, Superintendent of Schools
  • Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business
  • Amy Brockner, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
  • John Hicks, Director of Educational Technology
  • Angela Wise Landman, Executive Director of HR, Data and School Counseling
  • Lyn Prestia, Director of Food Service
  • Maria Wise, District Clerk
  • Approximately 28 staff and community members


Call to Order

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting at approximately 6:30 PM



Adjourn Regular Session to Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Johnson that the Board of Education adjourn regular session to executive session at approximately 6:30 PM.



Adjourn from Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Watkins, that the Board of Education adjourn from executive session at approximately 7:07 PM. Noting President Meier joined the meeting at 6:38PM.



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Meier with the following motion offered:

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting at approximately 7:14 PM



Pledge of Allegiance

Board President Meier requested that all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at approximately 7:14 PM.

Superintendent Mains request to Table Item #6 under Business and Finance

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Watkins that the Board of Education TABLE Item#6 under the Business and Finance portion of the Agenda, Tax Collectors Report

(Report is delayed due to issues with mail, still receiving mail that was postmarked prior to the last day of collection)



Approval of Minutes

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the October 26, 2021, Regular Meeting as submitted by the District Clerk.



Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools

Consent Agenda

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the following consent as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools:
Tonight’s consent agenda includes the appointment of the following new personnel:

  • Taylor Masterson – Teacher
  • Jessica Novins – Permanent Substitute School Monitor
  • Kristina Antonucci – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Lisa Bouffard – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Jacklyn Krauss – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Denise Kulak – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Jillian Lankau – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Kristen Lobb – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Briana Martinez – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Rebecca Moses – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Jonathan Sakadelis – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Marcus Samerson – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Grace Mansfield – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Deborah Guerra – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Jessica Abrams – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Debra Zaino – Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teachers

Tonight’s consent agenda includes the Tenure appointment of:

  • Sara Rodak, Special Education, November 18, 2021



Non Instructional

  • (1) One Part-time 3.0 hour/day School Security Aide , effective November 15, 2021



Non Instructional

  • (6) Six Part-time 4.0 hour/day School Security Aides
  • (1) One Part-time 6.0 hour/day School Security Aide, effective November 15, 2021



Non Instructional

  • Neftalie Ramos, resignation for the purpose of retirement from his position as a 1.0 FTE Technical Assistant effective at the close of business on October 30, 2022.


Leave of Absence


  • Denise Kulak an unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 6.5 Hour/Day Teaching Assistant effective November 4, 2021 through June 24, 2022.
  • Briana Martinez an unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 6.5 Hour/Day Teaching Assistant effective November 5, 2021 through June 24, 2022.




  • Taylor Masterson, who holds an Initial certificate in Students with Disabilities 1-6 be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher – Special Education in the tenure area of Special Education (General) for a four year probationary period commencing December 2, 2021 and ending December 1, 2025. Salary level MA, Step 4.
    Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Taylor Masterson must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.



Non Instructional

  • Stephen Kirk, an increase in hours as a School Security-Aide (from 3.0 hour/day) to 6.0 hour/day, effective November 15, 2021, salary as per contract.
  • Jessica Novins, temporary appointment to a 5.0 Hour/Day Permanent Substitute School Monitor position effective November 10, 2021 through June 24, 2022, salary as per contract (pro-rated).

Board of Education approval of a salary adjustment for the following School Secretaries to align with current salary schedule negotiated with the Local 74

Clerical Unit, effective July 1, 2021. Salary for the 2021-2022 school year will be $35,016.

  • Cynthia Carey
  • Jeanette Coates
  • Kimberly Dillin
  • Peggy Fontana
  • Colleen Latimer
  • Cheryl Mooney
  • Rachel Sheets
  • Monali Verma


Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teachers

Board approval for the appointment of the following individuals as Permanent Itinerant Substitute Teachers, temporary position through June 24, 2022, at a daily rate of $275 plus benefits, effective date November 10, 2021, or as indicated:

  • Jessica Abrams
  • Kristina Antonucci (11/15/21)
  • Lisa Bouffard (11/8/21)
  • Deborah Guerra (11/15/21)
  • Jaclyn Krauss (11/4/21)
  • Denise Kulak (11/4/21)
  • Jillian Lankau (11/5/21)
  • Kristen Lobb (11/9/21)
  • Grace Mansfield (11/9/21)
  • Briana Martinez (11/5/21)
  • Rebecca Moses
  • Jonathan Sakadelis (11/8/21)
  • Marcus Samerson
  • Debra Zaino


Per Diem Substitutes

Board approval for the appointment of the following individuals as per diem substitutes (or tutors) effective November 10, 2021, or as indicated:

  • Dean McVicker



Recommend the Board of Education approve of the following interscholastic winter coaching appointments for the 2021-2022 school year at the appropriate interscholastic stipends:

Boys Indoor Track

  • Anthony DiMarco, Varsity Coach @ Level I, Step 5(5)
  • Gianni Carillo, Varsity Assistant Coach @ Level II, Step 1(1)
  • Jonathan Sakadelis, Varsity Assistant Coach @ Level II, Step 1(1)


Girls Indoor Track

  • Gerald Risco, Varsity Coach @ Level I, Step 10(30)
  • Rebecca Torre, Varsity Assistant Coach @ Level II, Step 3(4)



  • Elexus Riquelme, Varsity Coach @ Level I, Step 1(1)


Boys Swim / Dive

  • Kevin Blackwell, Varsity Coach @ Level I, Step 10(18)
  • John Barth, Varsity Assistant Coach @ Level II, Step 10(19)
  • Michael Reineke, Varsity Assistant Coach @ Level II, Step 5(5)


Boys Basketball

  • Dan Conley, Varsity Coach @ Level I, Step 10(18)
  • Robert Lawrence, Junior Varsity Coach @ Level II, Step 5(6)
  • Derrick Frost, Modified Coach @ Level III, Step 3(3)
  • Kevin Kreeger, Modified Coach @ Level III, Step 1(1)
  • Gregory Jaloszynski , Volunteer Coach


Girls Basketball

  • Michelle Bouffard, Varsity Coach @ Level I, Step 3(4)
  • Alyssa DiMaio, Junior Varsity Coach @ Level II, Step 1(1)
  • Kimberly Craft, Modified Coach @ Level III, Step 3(4)
  • Janell McCombs, Modified Coach @ Level III, Step 1(1)
  • Lisa BouffardPermanent Itinerant Substitute Teacher
  • Elizabeth Valdez, Volunteer Coach



  • John Petrofsky, Varsity Coach @ Level I, Step 3(4)
  • Patrick Sause, Junior Varsity Coach @Level II, Step 7(7)
  • Dylan Hintze, Modified Coach @ Level III, Step 1(1)
  • Richard Ormsby, Volunteer Coach


Tenure Appointments

Board Recognition of Tenure Recipients

The Board of Education will approve appointments to tenure, as part of the consent agenda, for the following instructional staff members within the tenure area with the effective dates noted.

NAME TENURE Effective Date

  • Sara Rodak Special Education November 18, 2021



Approval of CSE & CPSE Placement Recommendations

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education placement recommendations as submitted by the CSE & CPSE Chairpersons, and reviewed by Trustee Tompkins.


Wallkill East Rotary Club–Dictionary Project

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education officially acknowledge receipt of dictionaries donated by the Wallkill East Rotary Club to the current third grade students in the Pine Bush Central School District.

(This year 390 Dictionaries were distributed to 3rd  graders. Previously, we would have an assembly in each building to give out the dictionaries but this has not happened the last two years. Also, approximately 40 dictionaries are given out to Chapel Field, a private school in our district. This is the 14th  year that the Wallkill East Rotary Club has done the Dictionary Distribution in Pine Bush. There have been 4790 dictionaries distributed. The Rotary Club gets the Dictionaries from the Dictionary Project located in Charleston, South Carolina and they have provided over 31 Million dictionaries to children around the world since it started in 1992.)



Presentation: Pine Bush CSD – School Nutrition:

Lyn Prestia, Director of Food Service will be in attendance to provide an update to the Board of Education on School Food and Nutrition. A PowerPoint will be provided that evening.

Some highlights of the presentation were:

  • The School Nutrition Department is in a constant state of reinvention…
    Seamless Summer Option (SSO) 9/1/21- 6/24/22
  • SSO is similar to the national School Breakfast and Lunch program
  • Allows one complete breakfast free of charge daily per student
  • Allows one complete lunch free of charge daily per student
  • Only Pine Bush district students are eligible for meals
  • SSO program – waiver issued by the USDA on April 20, 2021

September Meal Count Comparison 19/20 vs 21/22

  • Breakfast and Lunch participation the same or better
  • There were some record high meal counts at Pine Bush Elementary, Circleville Elementary and Pine Bush High School.

Exciting News! New PBCSD box truck has arrived.

Ms. Prestia thanked the Nutrition staff, Operations & Maintenance staff, students/school community, administrative team, and the Board of Education.

Ms. Prestia was thanked for the presentation and her hard work.


Designation / Disposition of Equipment

Moved by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education designate and approve the disposition of the following:

Equipment for disposition as submitted at the request of Lyn Prestia, Director of Food Service, as outdated and/or in poor condition beyond repair, therefore, unusable in accordance with Policy #5250

SUBJECT: Disposition of Surplus Property, and authorizes the disposition of the following equipment as submitted under the direction of Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent


Approval of the District Comprehensive Improvement Plan

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Watkins, that the Board of Education approve the District Comprehensive Improvement Plan for the 2021-2022 school year.



Approval of Educational Consultant Agreement

Moved by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the following resolution:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the agreement with MaryAnn Wilson d/b/a Wilson Learning & Leading (Consultant), for the Pine Bush Central School District, effective November 10, 2021 through June 30, 2022 at a rate of $700 per day, not to exceed 30 days (paid through the
School Improvement Grant) in accordance with said agreement on file with the district clerk, and further authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to sign all applicable documents.

Date: November 9, 2021



Public Comment

The public comment segment was opened at approx. 7:35 PM by President Meier. The following were the questions/comments/concerns raised and for complete conversation of this public comment segment refer to the online video at (watch board meetings). Public comment segment concluded at approximately 7:47 PM.

  • Concern over medical freedom
  • Questions about the security aide positions created
  • Concern over fights in high school
  • Concerns over the reporting by the district of Covid cases


Upcoming Board Meetings, Events / Old, New Business / Updates

Upcoming board meetings and events will be announced Tuesday evening
The start time for the regular sessions of our board meetings – 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.

Regular Board Meetings:

  • Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 7:00 PM at Circleville Middle
  • Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 7:00 PM at Pine Bush High School

District Meetings/Events:

PBHS Fall Drama

  • She Kills Monsters – Young Adventures Edition
  • Friday, November 12, 2021 & Saturday, November 13, 2021, PBHS Auditorium, 7PM
  • *Mature language and situations may not be suitable for those under 13


Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences

Secondary Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences

  • RESCHEDULED to November 17, 2021, 4:30-7:30PM (was 11/10/21)
  • Elementary Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • Thursday, November 18, 2021, 5PM – 8PM

Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences – Half Day for elementary students

  • Friday, November 19, 2021 & Monday, November 22, 2021


  • Thursday, November 11, 2021 School closed in observance of Veterans Day
  • Wednesday, November 24, 2021 Superintendents Conference Day – No School for students
  • Thanksgiving Day / Recess – School Closed
  • Thursday, November 25, 2021 and Friday, November 26, 2021


Old, New Business / Updates

Trustee Robertson informed us on the Powderpuff Football game at the high school that occurred today, and the seniors have a wonderful time. In addition she reminded everyone of the All Night Graduation fundraisers. She indicated that there will be flyers and a senior mailing.

Superintendent Mains had a few items:

  • First he addressed the question about the new security aides and where they will be located indicating that they will be at the middle schools and the high school.
  • Assistant Superintendent Amy Brockner explained the reporting on the EJ Russell Elementary covid case that was brought up in public comment. A brief discussion ensued over protocols.
  • School Related Professionals Day – November 16, 2021 (NYSUT Video was played)
  • National School Psychologists Week is this week, and we are honoring those individuals.
  • Superintendent Mains read for the record the Proclamation from the Governor regarding School Board Recognition Week celebrated October 18-22, 2021.


Whereas, each year, School board Recognition Week is observed by the more than 700 School boards in school districts throughout the Empire State; and

Whereas, our state’s public education system is designated to meet the educational needs of all children and to empower them to become competent, productive contributors to society and an ever-changing world; and

Whereas, throughout more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, School Boards have worked with school administrators and educators to help them navigate the unprecedented challenges, restrictions, and disparate effects of the health crisis on our children’s learning; and

Whereas, members of local School Boards are dedicated to children, learning, and community, and devote many hours of service to elementary and secondary public education as they continually strive for improvement excellence, and progress in education, recognizing that all children can be successful learners, especially when education is tailored to the individual needs of the child; and

Whereas, local School Board members are strong advocates for public education and are responsible for communicating the needs of the school district to the public, and the public’s expectation to the district, by working closely with parents, educational professionals, and other community members; and

Whereas, the members of the New York State’s local School Boards respond to the educational needs of the communities they serve and help ensure the solid foundation of our school system; in doing so, these leaders help strengthen our state’s educational system and improve future prospects for our children; and

Whereas, during October 18-22, 2021, special activities and programs will be held in communities across New York state in observance of School Board Recognition Week and it is fitting to join in acknowledging the commitment and contributions of members of local School Boards;

Now, Therefore, I, Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New York, do hereby proclaim October 18-22, 2021 as School Board Recognition Week in the Empire State.

  • Mr. Mains informed the Board of Education about our transferring over to Board Docs, indicating that there will be training in January.
  • Superintendent Mains congratulated the Pine Bush Girls Swim/Dive team and the Volleyball Team for both having secured Section 9 Championships.
  • Lastly Mr. Mains addressed the concerns the Board had over the letter the National School Board Association submitted to President Biden. The Board of Education had a letter crafted to send to the National School Board Association indicating that they were not in agreement with the letter the National School Board Association submitted to President Biden. This letter was signed by all the Board Members and the letter will be on the District website.


Business & Finance

Claim Auditor’s Reports

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the following Claims Auditor’s Reports as submitted:

Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0025 dated 10/22/2021 check run authorizing payments in the amount of $ 61,014.42

  • Cafeteria Fund (1 check 005734) $ 94.79
  • Crispell SAF (1 check 002358) 735.00
  • General Fund (40 checks 069829-069868) 59,902.79
  • Custodial Account (2 checks 005758-005759) 282.14

Total $ 61,014.42


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0026 dated 10/25/2021 payroll authorizing payments in the amount of $ 1,082,584.00

  • PR Transactions (12 checks 004427-004438) $ 1,082,584.00

Total $ 1,082,584.00


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0027 dated 10/29/2021 check run authorizing payments in the amount of $ 4,764,808.78

  • Cafeteria Fund (15 checks 005735-005749) $ 79,174.10
  • HS Activity Fund (7 checks 004368-004374) 2,796.02
  • Federal Fund Acct (3 checks 002642- 002644) 36,925.56
  • Capital Fund (10 checks 001916-001925) 2,343,263.63
  • General Fund (54 checks 069869-069922) 2,302,625.92
  • Custodial Account (1 check 005761) 23.55

Total $ 4,764,808.78




Approval for Transfer of Fund Balance

Moved by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education approve the following resolution:

RESOLVED, that the Pine Bush CSD Board of Education authorize the transfer of $6,500,000 from available Fund Balance to the Capital Reserve Fund effective November 10, 2021.


Approval of SCAR Assessment Reduction Decisions

Moved by Trustee Johnson second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the following property tax refund based upon Small Claim Assessment Review (SCAR) decision authorizing reductions of the assessment:

Town of Crawford

Name School Year S-B-L Old Assessment New Assessment Refund Amt

  • Tyler Edwards 2021-2022 22-1-60.1 $143,200 $138,800 $257.67
    335 Stone School House Rd, Bloomingburg, NY
  • Kelly Kennedy 2021-2022 24-2-11 $143,200 $135,200 $468.49
    286 Long Lane, Bloomingburg, NY
  • Keith Luther 2021-2022 25-1-19 $108,700 $91,300 $1,018.96
    62 & 64 Bullville Rd, Montgomery, NY


Town of Wallkill

  • George Bryson 2021-2022 44-1-81 $92,000 $88,900 $354.31
    29 Heather Ct, Middletown, NY

Total Refund $2,099.43



Approval of Correction -Tax Warrant – Errors/Omissions

Moved by Trustee Johnson second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education approve the below correction to the Tax Warrant-Errors/Omissions:

Corrections of Error/Omission

  • Town of Wallkill
  • SBL: 41-1-100.2
  • Property Address: 103 Tower Dr
  • Owner: 103 Tower Drive Assoc, LLC
  • According to documentation received on October 22, 2021 from the Town of Wallkill Assessor’s Office, this parcel owner is approved for a refund. The property building permit was issued on the wrong S-B-L (Middletown City School District 41-1-100.1). The Assessor erroneously valued the Pine Bush parcel (41-1-100.2) at $45,000 and should have been assessed to a taxable value of $10,000.

Total Refund $4,000.24



Authorization / Withdrawal from Tax Certiorari Reserve Fund

Moved by Trustee Kheiralla second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education authorize a withdrawal from the Pine Bush Central School District Tax Certiorari Reserve Fund in order to resolve the Stipulation and Order Settlement received for the following property. The settlement is for the school tax years listed below and is based on the lowering of the property assessment for each year.


Town of Wallkill

Name School Year S-B-L Old Assessment New Assessment Refund Amt

  • HP Coolidge 2017-2018 24-1-35 $1,507,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $783.19
    Scotchtown Rd LLC  One W Red Oak Ln, White Plains, NY 10604

Total Refund $783.19



Tax Collector’s Report – 2021 – ITEM TABLED

On Tuesday evening, the Board of Education will be asked to adopt a resolution relieving the tax collector of the responsibility for the uncollected portion of the tax lists now that the tax warrant period has ended, and
authorize her to turn the lists of delinquent tax items with three percent penalty over to the offices of the County Treasurers.

The Tax Collector’s Summary Report: Board members are required to sign all unpaid tax reports in acknowledgment.

Recommend the Board of Education acknowledged receipt and acceptance of the 2021 Tax Collector’s Summary Report and approve the following resolution for adoption:

RESOLVED, whereas the Education Law provides that the tax collector shall be relieved of responsibility for the uncollected portion of the tax list when a complete list of delinquent tax items have been certified to the Board of Education, and, since the collector has affixed her affidavit to such statement and has filed a statement accounting for the handling of the warrant; and,

WHEREAS, the clerk acknowledges receipt of the signed report of the tax collector to be submitted to the board;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accept the Report of the Tax Collector and having determined that the collector has accounted for the full amount of the tax warrant, directs that the lists of delinquent tax items with the three percent penalty, be certified to the offices of the County Treasurers and/or other tax enforcement officers.


Consideration of Executive Session

Hearing no matters for executive session, President Meier asked for a motion to adjourn.



Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education adjourn the regular meeting noting the time at approximately 8:17 PM.


Note: BOARD MEETINGS are live streamed and video recorded with closed captioning available and can be viewed at  


Maria Wise (electronically signed/mw)
Maria Wise, District Clerk Pine Bush CSD

(Disclosure: Minutes will be printed on numbered minute paper and placed in the district minute books).

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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