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American Recovery Plan (ARP) Act – District Plan

In the 2020-2021 School Year, New York State was allocated nearly $9 billion under the (ARP) Act’s Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. The ARP Act requires that a minimum of $8.09 billion (90%) be allocated to local education agencies (LEAs) including charter schools and Special Act School Districts that are LEAs. Pursuant to the terms of the ARP Act, LEA allocations have been calculated using the relative shares of grants awards under Title I, Part A of the ESEA for the most recent federal fiscal year (2020).

The Pine Bush Central School District’s total allocation of ARP-ESSER is $11,047,375. This is broken out in four parts:

  • 90% LEA ARP-ESSER Allocation $5,634,241
  • 1% STATE-LEVEL RESERVE – Summer Enrichment $ 773,320
  • 1% STATE-LEVEL RESERVE – Comprehensive After-School $ 773,320
  • 5% STATE-LEVEL RESERVE – Learning Loss $3,866,494

ARP ESSER 1% State Level Reserve – After School

ARP ESSER 90% Allocation

ARP ESSER 5% State Level Reserve

ARP ESSER 1% State Level Reserve – Summer


ARP ESSER Application – ARP Act

ARP ESSER Application – State Reserves – ARP State Reserves

CARES Act Combined Funding Application – CARES Act



Outlined in the requirements of ARP, districts are required to seek public comment from parents, teachers and other stakeholders and take such comments into account in the development of the plan. The District worked closely with faculty and staff members, union leadership, administrative team members and the community through virtual meetings. Data was collected and common themes were identified as key areas of focus.

The ARP Act requires LEAs to reserve at least 20% of their 90% ARP-ESSER
allocation to address learning loss through the implementation of evidence based interventions, such as summer learning or summer enrichment, extended day, comprehensive afterschool programs, or extended school year programs, and ensure that such interventions respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs and address the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus on economically disadvantaged students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care.

20% Reserve Use $1,126,848 ($5,634,241 x 20%)

The district intends to use this allocation to cover the costs of 10 Social Workers. 6 of these Social Workers will be employees of the district while 4 will be contracted through a reputable company specializing in this field. It is widely recognized that students are having a very difficult time transitioning back to in-person learning and most students in Kindergarten and First grade are experiencing coming to school for the first time. These Social Workers will be instrumental in the Social and Emotional Learning for these students.

Balance of 90% ARP-ESSER allocation $4,507,393 ($5,634,241-$1,126,848)

The district intends to use this allocation for non-recurring expenses including but not limited upgrading the air quality in all 7 of the instructional buildings. This may include, as recommended by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), upgrades in air conditioning, air filtration systems and controls.

The ARP Act also requires State Education Agencies (SEAs) to reserve not less than 1% to carry out the implementation of evidence-based summer enrichment programs, not less than 1% to carry out the implementation of evidence based comprehensive afterschool programs and no less than 5% to carry out activities to address learning loss by supporting the implementation of evidence-based interventions.

Summer Enrichment Use $ 773,320

The district intends to continue to offer and expand the summer academy opportunities for all high school students, expand the opportunities for credit recovery as needed for losses experienced during virtual learning, and the continued summer school programs for middle school and elementary grades.

Comprehensive Afterschool $ 773,320

Our afterschool program will include active, hands-on learning experiences that focus on developing and practicing interpersonal competencies through meaningful and relevant activities and learning opportunities. The opportunities will promote learning that engages students in new experiences and development of new skills, while prioritizing student voice and choice. Transportation home will be included. 

Learning Loss $3,866,494

The district intends to use instructional coaches to collaborate with teachers in order to improve the classroom instruction students receive, thus personalizing support so more students are taught by effective teachers and benefit from a high-quality education. In addition, the district will provide targeted tutoring consisting of having the same tutor to work on math and/or reading skills over an extended period.


Anyone wishing to obtain a hardcopy of the APR ESSER documents listed above should email or call 845-744-4016. 

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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